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The night before, Kary Ng held her first Hong Kong Coliseum concert KARY ON LIVE 2011 where a large group of good friends and family went to support her. Kary's ex-boyfriend Brian Hung also came. Kary took advantage of this time and borrowed the song Perfect Match to express her feelings, implying that he's the 'perfect match'. Kary also declared that she will go love with courage.

When the concert started Kary, who feared heights, appeared suspended upside down above the stage . The whole night, she changed into several different costumes delivered from foreign countries.

Kary invited her former senior sister of the same company Miriam Yeung to duet two songs with her. Miriam excitedly said: "Kary's concert will be very moving for me. We were once a family. Singers are about the art of vocals, but what's most important it enters into people's hearts. Kary is someone who I recently felt worked very hard, she managed to get songs that entered people's hearts." Kary replied emotionally: "Miriam is very close, she's very supportive of me. She told me that I have to perform my songs well, but the upcoming path is the most important, thank you Miriam for your advice."

Near the end of the concert, Kary recalls how she was looked down on back when she debuted. There were also times she heard nasty gossips, she is grateful of her family for being so supportive: "My father said the more you get looked down on by people, the more hard working you must be! Everyone please give a round applause to my family. If I didn't have them, I wouldn't know how to go on. I don't want to fight for family property, I want to fight for hard work!"

Besides Kary's parents, there was ex-boyfriend Brian Hung, ex-rumored boyfriend Kelvin Poon, ex-Cookies members Stephy Tang, Theresa Fu, Angela, and Miki Yeung, Hilary Tsui, her Boss (Pong Hung Yan), Edmond Leung and his wife Karen, Bernice Liu, Joyce Cheng, Wilfred Lau and Pakho Chau. Theresa took the initative to request to sit with Miki and Angela, but Stephy sat with her colleagues.

Kary: No one knows what will happen in the future
At the celebration, Kary expressed that being suspended for half a day, her whole body is all sore, including her thighs and the insides. Asked if she and ex-boyfriend Brian will reconcile? She said: "We are friends. Friends can come support me, I'm not lying. Although in this current situation, he still came to support me, very touching! After the show, he came backstage to cheer for me!" Kary was asked if it's because she wants to reconcile with him that she publicly expressed her feelings (through the song Perfect Match)? Kary said: "It's hard to say what our relationship is all of a sudden. Our current relationship was hard to come, no one knows the future. Completed the show, I am a big girl, and have matured on how to handle my career and relationship!"

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Posted by Hex on Monday, January 31, 2011
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Yesterday Steven Ma attended TVB series 7 Days In Life promotion in Tsuen Wan Plaza, but lead actress Sonjia Kwok was absent. The series received high TV ratings, peaking at 36 points and average at 28 points. The cast including Steven, Patrick Tang, Joyce Cheng, Koni Lui and Oceane Zhu expressed their excitement. When Steven learned that some people praised his mystical thief character won a breakthrough, he was extremely happy. However, tomorrow because Lunar New Year is near there will be a lot of viewers leaving HK for the holidays and the ratings will definitely be affected. Steven hopes that viewers can continue to watch the series online.

When speaking of the hot topic of TVB's new boss, Steven has always read the papers, he believes that 6th Uncle (Sir Run Run) and Mona Fong will remain in office, the administrative operations will go as normal. He said: "I hope the new boss can get more resources to shoot series and produce series with more variety of topics. He also hopes the behind-the-scenes staff can get a raise too." It was said, Sonjia, the new boss Chan Kwok Keung and Steven have had rumors before, asked if there will be any impact in future collaborations? Steven calmly said: "They said I'm Mr. Chan's love opponent? That is truly funny! Sonjia and I had rumors in 2001, the issue was 10 years ago, we are now good friends. She also told me to apologize on her behalf that she wasn't able to make it today because she's working in Mainland. (Worried about future job opportunities?) Don't be silly! Shouldn't take rumors too seriously, just for laughs. I will do my part as an artist. Work is work, personal matters is personal. Sonjia had once said that some reporters are blowing things out of proportion, not necessary to care so much!"

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Joe Ma and Pierre Ngo were shooting a fighting scene yesterday for TVB new series Special Duties Unit. Joe has personally learned Kung Fu before, so he was not worried of Pierre's real Kung Fu hurting him. What he is most worried about is actually explosion scenes, Joe said: "I'm worried because I saw Selina from S.H.E injured from an explosion scene. I also experienced getting hurt by a flying metal wire during an explosion scene. However, I do hope to personally do the scenes myself as much as I can, for explosion scenes, I will just be extra careful. (Did you buy any special insurance?) Of course I bought insurance, but not anything special that increases the coverage."

Pierre is just a guest star in the series. Asked if he's worried that Pierre might hurt him during the fighting scene? Joe joked: "Can Pierre beat me first? I am not afraid of him, later there will be an martial arts instructor directing us. Also, because the weather is cold, I already pulled a leg muscle earlier. Also, I am currently shooting another series, so before shooting I will do all the necessary warm-ups and wear protective pads. We will be careful during the fighting scene."

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Yesterday Kate Tsui attended TVB Valentine's Day mini series Dropping By Cloud Nine press conference. Ron Ng was absent because he was sick. The two guest stars in the series as a couple, introducing the love stories in each of the 10 episodes. When speaking of her views on love, Kate said: "Very simple, I believe in fate, so I will wait for fate to come." Asked if it's not necessary for her to have any requirements? She said: "I want good physical health, older than me, because then he can take care of me."

Kate expressed that when choosing a partner, her requirements are that he is financially stabled, loves her and her family. It was said that TVB's new boss 'Shell King' Chan Kwok Keung matches her requirements? Kate had a great reaction and said: "Impossible, he is already married, I want someone not married!" The two once had rumors, asked if they run into one another in the company will it be awkward? Kate said: "No, I already said that nothing happened between us." It was said that it seems like she got more jobs, and will attract gossips, Kate said jokingly: "Do I have to break away from TVB?" Kate does not mind the gossips and rumors because she's already prepared for being in this industry.

Mag Lam is shooting series and movies, although she feels acting is fun, she still wants to focus on singing. She said she still has not signed for a record company yet. Mag said: "I'll probably sign with a company and release album after I graduate this year."

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The Rippling Blossom is airing on TVB Jade Channel February 7th at 9:30pm HKT (Monday-Friday). At around the same period, iCable will be airing Mainland series Pretty Happy Mother In Law (歡喜婆婆俏媳婦) on January 31st at 11pm HKT (Monday-Friday).

This Lunar New Year "Myolie Wu" is the most popular, it is Myolie Wu v.s Myolie Wu. On TVB, you can see her as a rich girl causing trouble, change the channel to iCable, you can see Myolie as the leading actress again.

A millionaire with several wives and children will be entertaining enough, pray there won't be any misunderstandings, the series being referred to here is The Rippling Blossom airing during the Lunar New Year holiday. This series features Chilam Cheung as the lead actor, who has not been in a TVB series for 5 years. Set in a sushi restaurant, the story is about the struggles of two brothers in the sushi restaurant that their father left for them. The series also includes beautiful Hokkaido, Japan scenery. Sounds pretty fresh and new.

For the series airing on iCable Pretty Happy Mother In Law, besides Myolie, there are also Kingdom Yuen, Cheung Tat Ming, Ng Man Tat and at first glance on the promotional clip, there seems to be Raymond Lam too, but turns out that it's just the his 'pirated version' Hawick Lau. Emperor Guangxu wrongly commend General Tie Muer to marry his cousin Ma Ling Long (Kingdom Yuen). General Tie coldly treats his wife, but still had three sons: Chang Sheng (Hawick Lau) is happy and smart. He indulges in sensual pleasures, causing Ma Ling Long to have to sell off her belongings as a ransom for her husband. To make a living, Ling Long works as a match-maker helping Mr. Jia, a merchant, to marry off his fat daughter. She deceives the accomplished talented scholar Qian Ying Zun (Cheung Tat Ming) to marry her and since then Qian and Ma could not get along. 18 years later, Qian's daughter (Myolie Wu) grows up, she is rough, but aims high. She is eager to marry a rich man and encounters Chang Sheng. When she saw the way he dressed, she misunderstood that he was her target and started her wise planning to pursue him. (Story similar to War of In-Laws)

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Yesterday Niki Chow attended the apm event Love Move . Emotional Friendship Meeting. The organizers sent out 3 guys for Niki to choose from, but one of them were a head shorter than Niki, while the other was a minor. The Niki joked: "Will I go to jail?" As for the Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day, Niki expressed that she will be shooting a TVB series. Towards getting into a relationship, she will leave it all to fate.

It was said that TVB's new boss Cheung Kwok Keung and her sister Kathy Chow have a close relationship. Niki said: "Wah! My sister got that many rumors?! Doesn't have much affect on me."

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Last night, Raymond Lam held the first show of COME 2 ME CONCERT IN MACAU. He invited Kate Tsui and Ron Ng as his guest performers. Wearing a tube top revealing her waist, Kate and Raymond did a hot and sexy dance together. When Ron appeared to join them, audience all stood up in excitement.

At the concert, Raymond was very enthusiastic and close to the audience. He took the initiative to go off the stage to shake hands with fans. Because he was surrounded all over by a swarm of fans, he had to call stop: "Don't pull me, grab my jacket."

Raymond also invited fan girls on stage for close interaction with his 'chok look'. He held the fan's hand, put his arm on their shoulder, hugged and lightly bumped into them, seriously making fans love him. Last night, TVB executive Virgina Lok and EEG executive Ng Yue came to support him.

Raymond expressed he did not know TVB got sold to new shareholders, but he firmly believes that changes will be "all good". Asked if Raymond felt that he lost a huge backer now that TVB's old boss Mona Fong is gone? He said: "Mrs. Fong watched me grow, she's a very good boss, my backer is TVB."

Is he worried that he can't defend his 'Asia-Pacific' title next year? Raymond said: "I haven't brought out this year's award to place on my award shelf yet. I'm planning to have good results on my upcoming Mandarin album first, before I take the award out." He also stressed that he is not familiar with Mona Fong: "In my personal life, I never met Mrs. Fong before." He also has not seen new boss Chan Kwok Keung yet, and joked that he's "probably the last person to know in TVB that there's a new boss."

Kate said that she does not know the new boss, as to the magazine reports saying that she's going to get the TV Queen award next year? She said: "Just joking, that good? Then I don't have to work so hard, rushing to complete filming to come over to Macau. The next morning, I have to start working again at 6am."

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Yesterday Ella Koon was dressed in a fresh red colored outfit to serve as a guest judge at the Chinese New Year Big Head Buddha Sports Contest. She sent her New Years greetings early to audience. Lately, she has been exposed to many opportunities to earn extra income, Ella admitted that in the year of the Tiger, her career and financial luck has been well and will be celebrating the new year with a fat wallet. She said: "This year is my first Valentine's Day with my boyfriend, unfortunately I will be discussing work in the U.S and won't be able to spend the holiday with him. I haven't even planned a gift yet. I know that I'm a girlfriend who is boring and have an ordinary life. Fortunately, my boyfriend understands me. The happiest for me is that I have a break during the New Year to spend with my parents and grandmother. However, for now I haven't planned to bring my boyfriend to meet my parents."

Ella expressed that her boyfriend is half Chinese, half Western and knows about the Chinese New Year traditions. Asked when she's planning to get marry and give out red envelopes? Ella said: "Wah! Never thought about it, absolutely not that quick. Perhaps this is something to happen 9 years from now or even not marrying, that won't be anything strange!" She is worried that she won't be able to handle both work and family in the future, can just choose one out of the two because she doesn't mind getting married late. Ella said: "This generation, late marriage is a popular trend. Not marrying or having kids is also nothing strange!"

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Currently in Mongolia working, Cecilia Cheung went back to her hotel room to rest while she had a small break. During the time, she discovered that there was a young woman wwho was about to commit suicide by jumping off the hotel building. Cecilia quickly launched her rescue operation, and eventually saved the girl!

The incident occurred when Cecilia was in her hotel room resting, she looked outside the window to see a young woman wanting to jump off the building. At the time, the young woman was dangerously sitting on the edge of the roof and was emotionally unstabled. She was screaming and shouting, Cecilia saw this and shouted loudly for her to stop. Because she wasn't sure of the girl's exact position, she called her assistant to get the driver and go over to the building across to rescue the girl. The driver then sped off to the building where the girl was about to jump and told the building security to call the police and go up and save the girl. Eventually the public security officers were able to rush over and pull the girl back to a safe place. Later, Cecilia praised the Mainland public security, that they worked quickly.

In fact, Cecilia has a very warm heart, besides rescuing the suicidal girl, she also visited a 15 year old girl (Dora) several times in Taiwan. Dora suffered from cancer and unfortunately passed away earlier this month. Because Cecilia knows that Dora loved dogs when she was living, so she especially bought a toy dog and took a picture. On the picture, she wrote: "Beautiful Dora, the doggie will accompany you on your journey." The photo and the message was a gift to Dora at her memorial service.

Cecilia emotionally said: "Life is precious, hope to treasure life! There are some people who don't even have the opportunity to survive, to have the ability to survive, then should live life happily. Don't give up!"

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TVB new series Special Duties Unit starts shooting off magnificently. Joe Ma and Christine Kuo were in Kowloon City shooting last night. The scene was about Christine, who plays Joe's fiancee, feeling frustrated. She gets drunk and loses control of herself, then she starts crying by the phone booth. Perhaps, she was too into character but after shooting, Christine carelessly bumped her head on the phone booth and let out real tears! She said this is her first crying and drunk scene. She is especially grateful of her co-star Joe Ma for bringing her into character, but she couldn't believe that saliva and tears became her first collaboration 'gift'. To shoot the crying scene, Christine took off her contact lens and used half a bottle of eye drops for a whole hour. No wonder her eyesight was fuzzy after shooting.

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Posted by Hex on Friday, January 28, 2011
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Yesterday Wayne Lai and Maggie Cheung were shooting outdoor scenes for TVB new series Forensic Heroes III. Maggie told the 'TV King' Wayne to shine some luck to her. Wayne embarrassingly said: "This is just false reputation!" Maggie did not give up, she complained that Wayne gave her the cold shoulder, leaving her all alone to eat by herself. Maggie said: "My partner is not eating with me, at first I thought I did something wrong." Wayne explained: "I have to lose weight, every meal I can only eat two bananas. Maggie has a sharp chin, my single face equals two Maggie faces!"

The series just started shooting, asked if Wayne has enough physical strength by just eating bananas? He said: "I can handle it! Apes are so big and all they eat are bananas. I really am fat, compared to No Regrets I am 10 pounds heavier." Wayne helplessly expressed that Maggie will have to continue to be lonely eating by herself, Maggie laughed: "Last night, I only drank two cups of milk, hope to get chubbier to match him!"

When speaking of Chan Kwok Keung taking over TVB, Maggie at first could not think of who he was, until reporters mentioned 'Shell King' that she remembered. She said: "Company management and administration matters, I believe there won't be too much of an affect. I am not worried and believe that the change in shareholders do not affect per show contracted artists like me. I have confidence in TVB's future, we can collaborate again."

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Members of the Wai Yin Association Mandy Cho, Kayi Cheung and Livia Tang accepted a radio interview yesterday. Wearing a large jacket, Mandy generously admitted that she is three months pregnant. Asked if she's pregnant with twins? She said: "No, and it's not artificial insemination. Also, I do not know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet. I am expected to be due in July." Mandy expressed that her husband is extremely anxious, she said: "He is more anxious than me." Asked if her appetite changed? She said: "At first, I really wasn't that used to it, the first two months I was constantly vomiting. I would vomit every time I smell something that I normally liked to eat, but now I got a little bigger."

Regarding Chan Kwok Keung taking over TVB? Mandy frankly said that she has no contract with TVB. As for Kayi Cheung, she expressed that she found out about TVB's new boss from the newspapers. She said: "I'm not afraid of unrest, perhaps there will be new changes. (Did TVB have a meeting with you?) No."

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TVB new series Special Duties Unit were shooting in Sheung Shui Community Sports yesterday. Hot guys Him Law, Vincent Wong, Oscar Li, Benjamin Yuen and William Chak all appeared topless shooting showering scenes. Possessed with a 40-inch chest, Him was competing for bigness, and lost to 42-inch chest Oscar Li. The men had swim trunks underneath for protection, Him wanted more protection so he put on double swim trunks and covered his upper body with a large towel.

Before shooting, the men pumped up their chest muscles, Him said: "Vincent and Oscar are bigger than me, I can't compare with them so I gave up." The coming out of shower scene attracted a large group of reporters, Him felt embarrassed. He smiled: "I have never had so many video cameras and cameras in front of me when I'm taking a shower. During the shower scene, even getting the bubbles from the shower gel I had to rehearse, and did 4-5 takes of that scene. It was so cold my skin was coming off (expression)." It was said that his 40-inch chest lost to Oscar Li, Him said: "Everyone has a different body figure, I am already pleased with mines. What's important is to maintain the proportion, the shape of my head is small enough, if I get even bigger, I would be out of proportion."

Vincent Wong expressed that because of shooting this series, he lost 5 pounds already and increased his muscles. He eats chicken meat everyday. He worked out especially for the shooting of the showering scene, in order to avoid edema. Oscar's 42-inch chest was the most eye-catching, he said: "Before shooting, I didn't go to the gym. In order to avoid being stiff in my movements, I have been studying martial arts and practicing yoga since youth, never have I stopped." When asked if the group of men compared their body figures? Oscar laughed: "We compared who had a bigger chest and waist. Because I'm afraid of getting fat, I'm don't dare to eat bacon!"

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Timmy Hung, Janet Chow, Elena Kong and her husband were recording for TVB show Deja Love. The host Kristal Tin teased Timmy that it's so cute that he brought a girl, but his girlfriend Janet praised that her boyfriend is filial and gentle. Timmy also announced his 'love commitment' to everyone and firmly believes that she is his ideal partner.

Also, Timmy was a guest at the press conference for TVB travel show Traveling Around New Zealand (環迴玩轉新西蘭) that Janet Chow took part in. Timmy reveals that he hopes to marry his girlfriend this year, but will first register for marriage before having the wedding because his father Sammo Hung has a lot of friends, it is hard to find a place. Janet was asked if she accepted her boyfriend's proposal? She said: "What's called proposal?" Timmy immediately added: "This is our secret." Timmy exposed that he wants to have the wedding at the beach, Janet then excitedly said: "I like, Shek O will do!"

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tavia Yeung sucking money in Mainland, wants to be the Evilest of China
Tavia Yeung is currently in Hengdian shooting a Mainland series, but still cares about her new series The Rippling Blossom. As the series is scheduled to broadcast during the Lunar New Year period, Tavia frankly said: "The TV ratings will definitely be affected a little, but I am not too worried. I am personally very optimistic, what's most important is that I have a series broadcasting!" After The Mysteries of Love, she currently has 3 series that has not released yet, so she can comfortably allow TVB to schedule her to shoot in Mainland and earn some extra income: "This time, I'm collaborating with Patrick Tam in a costume drama, a villain lead actress. This is my first Mainland series. Chinese Yuan, I'm coming!"

Praises Ron Ng
In the series, Tavia plays a role similar to her villain role Yiu Kam Ling in Beyond the Realm of Conscience and is also about evil concubines battling in the palace. Tavia said: "See if I can go to the limit this time, last time in Hong Kong I already got so evil, I may not necessarily be able to do it again, haha.... I want to be the evilest one in all of China! (Not afraid stereotypes?) Before Ron Ng's evil role in Pretty Maid was a breakthrough, he rarely does evil roles. At first I felt scared for him, but later I realized that Mainland's audience are very rational."

Sold herself to TVB
Tavia frankly said during Beyond it wasn't a deliberate transformation, this time in the Mainland series it is a good attempt because she knows she's not the 'girl next door' anymore, she doesn't want to be the plain characters anymore. Asked if she's taking advantage of this opportunity for a stepping stone, is she going to be Charmaine Sheh focusing or evening leaving TVB for outside work? Tavia smiled: "TVB sent me out to shoot this series, regardless of fame and fortune, it is good for TVB and I. I'm signing with TVB for life!"

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TVB new sitcom Whose Kitchen Stove Is Smoke-Free starring Kristal Tin and Stephen Au held it's costume fitting yesterday. Producer Tsui Yu On was asked if it's because Show Me The Happy(SMTH) ratings aren't doing well that you have to come to the rescue? He said: "No, already prepared to shoot this sitcom before. (Worried the ratings might affect the sitcom?) SMTH isn't bad, got 26-27 points in ratings. (It seems to be weak in class?) Society will respond to different things and will add new artists. (Will you ask Bernice Liu?) If the role matches, we will try."

In the new sitcom, Kristal plays a 'Cooking God', she laughed and said that initially the script was about Beautiful Kitchen, but then cut out the 'Beauty' when casting. She laughed: "In fact, I am a Beautiful Woman Cooking God. The upcoming new year reunion dinner, I will be making Chinese stew. (Your the shoulder of the sitcom?) Don't say it like that, we are all the shoulders (responsibility)."

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Yesterday Moses Chan, Adam Cheng and Aimee Chan were shooting outdoor scenes in Tsim Sha Shui for TVB new series The War At Heart. When speaking of the TVB's new boss (Chan Kwok Keung), Moses said: "Just do own part, do the best of myself and do well on the acting." Of course not worried that the new boss is heavy on women and light on men, Moses continued: "At first someone said that TVB is changing bosses, I didn't believe it because I didn't read the newspapers. (Don't know Mr. Chan?) I don't know him, just heard of his name. I personally carry a positive attitude, that everything will be even better. (Will you ask for a raise?) So far so good, I am happy and pleased."

Also at the scene, Adam Cheng said: "Facing ups and downs, running here and there, I will still come back and shoot series. I hope the employee life would be even better, prices run high, TVB earns more, then staff morale will get better."

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TVB changes their boss, 'Shell King' Cheung Kwok Keung becomes the new boss and is certain that TVB will become the TV Station of the Year within the TV Scene in 2011. In the past, Mr. Chan's name often came up in finance and economics and is also a character in the entertainment news. Mr. Chan and his wife have active connections in the industry, often attending public events together. However, Mr. Chan also has several rumors, some of which are TVB Fadans, including Michelle Yip, Sonjia Kwok, Kate Tsui and more. Even famous model Kathy Chow was his rumored girlfriend.

Mr. Chan is a rumor expert. In 2005, he and Michelle Yip were dancing intimately in Beijing at a nightclub, extremely provocative. At the time, his rumors were everywhere. Michelle received luxury property and cars from him. During interviews, Mr. Chan responded to the rumors and said that because he was drunk, he did the intimate dancing. At the time, he was dancing drunk, so didn't even know who his dance partner was and had a fuzzy image. He and Michelle only had that one encounter, and he later publicly apologized to his wife.

In 2006, Mr. Chan invested in the film Wo Hu in which Sonjia Kwok stars as the lead actress. Rumors spread again with him and Sonjia. At the time, Sonjia was given a bodyguard to escort her to and from work, the rumors became really hot. Mr. Chan later clarified the rumors again, he first terminated his relationship with Michelle Yip and then stressed that he did not give her any car or property, nor do they keep in touch. As for Sonjia, they only met once and apologizes for getting her involved in rumors.

Last year, Kate Tsui was stationed in Shawan, Sichuan and was rumored to have connections with Mr. Chan. This time Mr. Chan did not clarify the rumors himself, but his good friend Albert Yeung clarified on his behalf. After several rounds of rumors, it finally came to an end.

Yesterday, Kate Tsui responded that she will not respond to old rumors again. She had already clarified before. As to TVB's new boss, she hopes that the company will get better and better, as an artist it is best to do own part, make good series for viewers to watch.

In regards to Mr. Chan becoming TVB's new boss, Sonjia Kwok said regardless who the boss is, the most important is a raise. She is also worried that the old rumors may affect her, and it wouldn't be good if she gets frozen.

Mr. Chan's extremely good friend Nat Chan said that he is also a reader, he read in the newspapers that Mr. Chan bought TVB and before the fact he did not ask about it. Nat was asked if he will send a message to his good friend to ask him how he will help TVB earn more money? He laughed: "I am already half-retired, unless he invites me back, otherwise I have more interest in watching horses!"

In regards to Mr. Chan's long list of rumored girlfriends, Aimee Chan joked: "That's all of TVB's female artists! He has good taste!" She praised that the new boss has TVB artists as his rumored girlfriends, he has taste. Asked if she is worried that she'll start rumors with him too? She said: "I am not worried, I have always focused on my jobs. If I do have an opportunity to meet the new boss, I will say that I hope to have more opportunities."

Joyce Cheng grew up with TVB, but towards the acquisition, she is not sure of the details, but looks forward to the new appearance the new boss has for TVB.

Timmy Hung admits that he knows Mr. Chan, but does not really keep in touch with him. He said that every artist should just focus on their work, he personally will not have too high hopes. It's hard to believe that he just wants to promote him, Timmy hopes everyone will have more opportunities.

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When TVB Dongka Fadan Charmaine Sheh came back to Hong Kong from Mainland, she accidentally injured her arm and has to take a 3 month long break. She even had to withdraw from Forensic Heroes III, while Maggie Cheung replaced her. At the same time, TVB also announced that there is a change in bosses, such a coincidence. Yesterday, [Oriental Daily] spotted the injured Charmaine Sheh with a cast on her left arm in North Point accompanied by her manager getting into a taxi to go see the doctor for a follow-up on her injury.

Until 5pm, Charmaine finished with the doctor and came out with a pretty good mood. When she was walking down the stairs, she appeared very cautious, holding tightly with her right hand on the rail. When reporters approached her, Charmaine was a little resistant, keeping her head down and continued walking forward. When asked if her injury is improving? She generously replied: "The doctor said it's going well." When speaking of TVB's change in bosses, she said: "As an artist, it is most important to just focus on our own part. For other things, don't need to worry about, also I am currently injured and on break. At this moment, all I want is to get better soon, it's really inconvenient with an injured arm." When asked what big plans she has for the Lunar New Year? She expressed that resting is the priority.

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The highly popular Raymond Lam and in sweet fate Leanne Li attended an electronic store opening event. During the time Leanne did not forget to show off her happiness, expressing that she and boyfriend Wong Cho Lam are "spending Valentine's Day daily" and are starting to find Valentine's Day gifts for each other. Raymond who was also at the event expressed that he really envies them: "So dry, I want to date too! But, I am very close with my family, so if I'm dating my girlfriend must pass my family first, must get along with my family well. Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day are very close, having a girlfriend to go send greetings to each other, it really feels warm!"

Raymond frankly said it's necessary to have the love moisture, but won't rely on peach blossom luck. He said: "I'm from Xiamen, we don't celebrate with peach blossoms during Lunar New Year. We usually buy tangerines. (Peach blossom luck?) Let nature take its course, I have always had good relations with people. (But Jim Chim recently criticized you?) It's not a big deal."

Leanne frankly said that after she announced her relationship, this Valentine's Day, they can finally date in the light. Thinking back in the past when the couple had to hide the love, she said: "Still happy, but this year it's a different feeling." She also expressed that both of their mothers met at a church, for New Years she will be going to Wong Cho Lam's house to send greetings. As for if the two families are taking advantage of this time to meet, she said: "Worry about it when the time comes!" Raymond also exposed that he did a wedding endorsement with Leanne before, he wishes Leanne and Cho Lam can take real wedding photos together. Leanne laughed: "Thanks, Cho Lam never talks about these things, he likes to give me surprises. (Will he propose to you on Valentine's Day?) Wah! Wah! Wah! I am not prepared, you all are giving me pressure!"

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yesterday Joe Ma, Jessica Hsuan, Him Law and JJ Jia attended the blessing ceremony of TVB new series Special Duties Unit. In the last half year, Joe has been in Mainland shooting series and had not had time to keep fit, but seeing that all the other male artists have such good body figures, he feels pressured. Joe said: "Before I was sick and was hospitalized, so I definitely wasn't able to train because my tonsils were infected, then it developed into myocarditis. The doctor said I temporarily cannot work too hard and I had to ask the filming crew if we could shoot the light scenes first." Joe smiled and said he won't train to get too big, just enough to show off his nice figure to Him and everyone else. As to if he's afraid his role would be compared to Michael Wong? He said: "No fear, Michael Wong has already fallen deep into audience hearts. The advantage I have is my experiences in G4, we are both different."

Him will be revealing his behind in the series and is much anticipated by the entire filming crew. He laughed and said that when he puts on the black uniform pants, everyone naturally sets their focus on his backside, perhaps it's too defined and protrudes out, Him said: "Still no fear, in fact it's not that exaggerated, there aren't any holes, just can see a bit, like a half circle figure." It was rumored that Theresa Fu got frozen by her company, he felt that it's impossible and that it's just made up news, no need to care about it.

Jessica Hsuan appeared with a new hairstyle, she said: "The long hair coupled with the costume looks like my role in Just Love, the producer felt that it was only average, my mom saw the new haircut and praised that it's well-spirited. (What about your boyfriend?) He loves it, at first he wanted me to keep my long hair, but now he feels this is the best look."

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TVB new series, 7 Days in Life, starring Steven Ma, Sonija Kwok and Bosco Wong, premiered last night garnering an average rating of 32 points. Furthermore, the online response was not bad either, drawing high praises from the netizens for “its fast paced storyline and its fresh characters with distinctive personalities imbued with a touch of humor.” Producer Leung Choi Yuen expresses: “7 Days in Life is a black humor comedy that is even more out-there than A Watchdog’s Tale. Also the scriptwriting of its complex human relationship is even more intricate than When Lanes Merge. “

Praised for its fast-paced and tight story, characters are fresh with distinctive personalities.

7 Days in Life tells how Bosco Wong as CID Chiu Jin Lung while investigating a kidnapping case tracks down the kidnapper into the hotel, which coincidentally and unexpectedly is sealed off and quarantined by the order of the government due to a previous hotel guest being diagnosed with a new strain of influenza virus. Trapped inside the hotel during that duration, Chiu Jin Lung encounters all kinds of strange people and happenings. The focal points include: Bosco pursues thieves; Patrick Tang bungles in kidnapping; Steven Ma steals precious gems; each taking turn as highlights; intense and exciting, it (1st episode) was humorous too. Many netizens expressed it was “very funny, and immensely enjoyable”. Also, some netizens praised the storyline for being "humorous, the characters refreshing, the episode fast-paced and exciting. Very enjoyable!”

Steven Ma’s Burglar Makeover Praised for being “Explosively Handsome”

During their 2003 (sic 2002) ‘Perish in the Name of Love’ collaboration, Steven Ma and Sonija Kwok were rumored to be on bad terms, but now that they have buried the hatchet after a lapse of 7 years, they once again collaborated in this series portraying a pair of super thieves, with numerous intimate scenes. Steven once jested that in all his years of shooting series, 7 Days was the first one to enable him to luck out in females’ company. “All these years in the industry, I’d never portrayed such a flippant character, and moreover, to luck out with women, too. In the series, all the female characters love me, and are jealous of each other over me. I have bed scene(s) with Sonija, and Koni Lui seduced me making Sonija jealous. Having live this long, whether in real life or in series, I’d never experienced such good peach blossoms luck.”

Even though this was Steven’s first time in the role as a philanderer, his performance received netizens’ approbation, in particular his black burglar makeover which had many netizens exclaimed: “So stunning! Truly explosively handsome.”

Producer Leung Choi Yuen: The scriptwriting is even more intricate.

Besides recommending the series is enjoyable to watch, Producer Leung said: "Among the guests trapped inside the quarantined hotel, there is a pair of complex and mystifying super thieves, Steven Ma and Sonija Kwok; a CID officer, Bosco Wong; an obscure master as the hotel handy man, Yuen Wah; an emotional reporter, Joyce Cheng; an older social escort and singing queen, Mimi Lo; a compassionate and timid kidnapper, Patrick Tang, so on and so forth. Although they only co-habited for seven days, their lives were turned upside down. When the situation reverts back, this “journey” unexpectedly becomes a beautiful and unforgettable collective memory for all those involved."

Producer Leung Choi Yuen expresses: “7 Days in Life is a black humor comedy that is even more out-there than A Watchdog’s Tale. Also the scriptwriting of its complex human relationship is even more intricate than When Lanes Merge. “

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Moses Chan appeared in several different handsome looks to shoot a new set of Ads for the hair protection group. In one shot he appeared in his bare chest, no wonder he went to the gym before shooting. When speaking of the 'career line' up on the head for men, Moses said: "Basically it is just as sensitive as 'career line' of women. I will defend it well." Although he got his healthy body figure back, before shooting, Moses still bashfully used a towel to cover the two dots in front of his chest. Others could not help but laugh.

Known as the city's rich and single man, Moses modestly expressed: "I am a single man, but not with riches. Regarding fate, let destiny arrange it for me, but at the moment I am focusing on my career."

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Louis Yuen and Michelle Lo are similar in facial appearance and body figure. Following their funny MV imitating Twins in Fun With Liza & Gods, recently they play twins again in the new Lunar New Year film I Love Hongkong. Louis also reveals his upper body, frightening Tony Leung and Eric Tsang.

They play the 'grown up versions' of the twins played by Joyce Cheng and Kate Tsui respectively. The story is about Ng Seun (Tony Leung) and Tok Siu Lung (Eric Tsang) recalling the house birds of prey in their childhood and while growing up. They remember that when they were young they encountered very beautiful twins in a bread shop. They think of how the twins look like now that they're grown.

It was hard to believe that the twins now have a completely different facial appearance and body figure than from in the past. The grown twins enthusiastically remembers Tony and Eric's characters. Although they played dumb and pretended they didn't know them, they were eventually forced to drink floor washing water. It was a miserable experience for them to escape from the twins.

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Yesterday Myolie Wu, Michael Tse, Chilam Cheung and Eileen Yeow attended the promotional event for TVB new series The Rippling Blossom. Currently shooting in Mainland with Bosco Wong, Myolie made a special trip back to Hong Kong just to attend the promotion. Asked if it's very coinvenient for her and Bosco to date in Mainland? Myolie said: "No! We are really just working! (Relationship developed?) No! Can't always just be facing one person, need to have a change in other partners."

Also, once Myolie saw the pregnant Eileen Yeow, she immediately went to hug and touch her belly. Asked if she envies Eileen? She laughed: "Of course I envy her, really happy for her, but I won't be that quick, I'm still very young!" As for Eileen, she expressed that she is expected to due in July. Asked if she will choose a natural delivery? She said: "I am thinking, my hips are wide enough. I will be breastfeeding, hope for the best for the baby."

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Posted by Hex on Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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In the past, Steven Ma and Sonjia Kwok's friendship fell apart at one point due to a misunderstanding. Recently, after they collaborated in new series 7 Days In Life, they were able to recover the friendship. After they meet again, Sonjia felt that both are much more mature. She recalls 'hatred' in the past and how funny it was. This time collaborating in a new series, their relationship reaches to another level. Sonjia said she hopes to be friends forever with Steven, and if they can develop into an on-screen couple, then that would be even more ideal.

Also, in 7 Days in Life the two have kiss scenes, turns out that Steven already called Sonjia before shooting to discuss how to approach it. Sonjia expressed that she has 100% trust for this friend, felt that Steven is an upright person. Later, looking back at the photos from the series, Steven's lips were like a squid' suction during the kiss scene. He was teased as 'Mr. Suction'

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Sammi Cheng and rumored boyfriend Louis Koo are collaborating again. The two will be starring in Director Johnnie To's new romantic film. The day before, Media Asia Film Company's boss Peter Lam, Chairman John Chong and actors Michael Wong and Wilfred Lau attended the opening blessing ceremony. The group then went to a place 4000 meters above sea level and certainly has a sense of danger.

Sammi expressed that she's already mentally prepared to start more rumors with Louis: "There will definitely be these types of rumors, I'm already mentally prepared. Spread the rumors!" It was said that this film hindered her and Andy Hui's reconcile, Sammi said: "This is all just reports, it is their own business." Asked if she will talk to Andy about it? She said: "Nope, nothing to say!"

In the film, Sammi plays a truck driver from Hong Kong residing in Mainland, and accidentally encounters superstar Louis Koo by chance. In the past, Sammi had an asthma attack when she was filming up in Mt. Emei, this time going 4000 meters above sea level, she said: "I am not too worried, leave it to God! I heard that doing more exercises makes it more difficult to handle high mountains. I usually do a lot of exercises, so I am more worried about this." She expressed that in the recent years, she has been controlling her asthma well, and has better health compared to when she was younger. Earlier Johnnie To teased that Louis is a 'weakling', worrying him. When Sammi heard this, she laughed out loud: "I feel that he really is weak, I will protect him!"

Johnnie teased that Louis had weak health, Louis refuted: "He's just joking, I am more worried about him!" Asked if he'll be Sammi's local envoy? Louis felt that all the staff gives the best care, wouldn't be good if there were any accidents. When speaking of his rumors with Sammi, Louis said: "I don't care about any rumor, what's important is good acting, professional work, those are my responsibilities." It has been 7 years since they collaborated, Louis hopes that this time there will be even better results. Louis drew from his experience from the last trip to Mt. Emei, this time he will be fully prepared carrying oxygen essential materials.

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Yesterday Ada Choi arrived in Macau with her big belly to be a guest at the opening ceremony of a skincare product. Currently pregnant, Ada still did not avoid drinking the champagne. Wearing a low-cut spring dress with 5 inch heels, Ada was relaxed as she walked and said it's most important to be pretty.

Earlier it was reported that Ada is suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (chronic inflammatory disease of joints in the spine), asked if this has affected her baby? Ada said: "Actually before I was married, I already had problems with my waist, nothing was said if I could be cured. When there is pain, I would have to take medication to control it, but after becoming pregnant, my waist actually didn't hurt anymore nor did I have to take any medication." It was also said that because of insomnia, she starts having temper of a manic, she said: "It is a fact that I can easily get excited, perhaps my hormones have been affected, but I quickly calm down. Using manic temper is too exaggerated. As to insomnia, I have not experienced it since I'm always feeling sleepy."

Ada expressed questions regarding if she's 6 months pregnant, the baby's sex and her expected due date and all related questions, let the man of the house Max Zhang respond to those. Ada also reveals: "The baby's name I'm so greedy that I hope to give [him/her] a single character name, but the final decision is made by her husband. Because I want to experience what a level 10 feeling of pain is like, so I already chose to have a natural delivery. I will delivery the baby in Hong Kong, convenient for family to look after." Asked when she's going to take materity leave? She said: "Late February, I will be going to Beijing to complete the shooting of a Mainland series, fortunately the work isn't too difficul. Since it's just a scene where I'm watching the concubines ice skate. However, recently it is the peak of the flu season, I will be very careful and will wear a face mask when riding the boat.

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Yesterday Maggie Cheung was trying out costumes for TVB series Forensic Heroes III and did not hesitate to cut off her long hair that she grew for several years. However, she laughed: "Actually my hair could be shorter, but didn't want to go too far." Producer Miu Siu Ching had nothing but praises for her: "Maggie is really good, we are so rushed and she's still willing to help out, so professional!" Getting praised by the producer, Maggie modestly expressed: "In fact, when they asked me, I was very surprised, I know they were in a huge rush. I'm also very familiar with Siu Ching and under this coincidental opportunity I accepted this series." Maggie described this as her "most rushed, most excited and have the most new challenge" yet.

Regarding lead actor and 'multi-TV King' Wayne Lai, Maggie expressed many years ago she collaborated with him in A Road and A Will and earlier they worked on Lunar New Year film I Love Hongkong together too. She joked: "I also hope to stick onto his prosperity!" Asked if she would be taller than Wayne? She laughed: "In fact, we didn't even think about this qstion, but before when I was shooting a series, wearing long clothing and dress, I was still not as tall as him. It should be okay. (Have to accommodate him?) Don't say it like that, I rarely accommodate my co-stars, for this series, I should be wearing heels that are only an inch high."

Also, Maggie expresses that she hopes Charmaine Sheh will get well soon. Asked if minds being the replacement? Maggie expressed she didn't think about that: "Actually someone will have to do it, coincidentally the timing was right for me. So I accepted the job!"

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Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) and Ronald Cheng's divorce case, held the hearing today at the Family Court. However, Ah Sa and Ronald did not attend due to being in Mainland. Everything was handled by the lawyer, and hoped to reduced the level of emotional pain to it's lowest. It is estimated that from today on, Ah Sa can formally be 'Miss Choi' again, and does not have to live in the 'Mrs. Cheng' title.

It was said that the broken marriage was because Ah Sa wanted a divorce, but Ronald's love for Ah Sa had not died yet, he only hoped for a period to calm down. However, at this time the news of their marriage suddenly got exposed, the two then must face the divorce decision. Ronald initially hoped for a fix to the broken mirror, but Ah Sa already chose the sheer of infatuation William Chan to be her boyfriend and even quickly admitted to the relationship. This eventually made Ronald give up on the love, Ah Sa also did not turn back and therefore they filed for divorce in October 2010.

Earlier Ah Sa accepted an interview and said that they have already agreed to the divorce and it does not involve any alimony. Everything else is handled by their lawyer and legally. As for Ronald, he once expressed that everything is given to the lawyer to handle.

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Posted by Hex on Monday, January 24, 2011

TVB new series Forensic Heroes III lead actress Charmaine Sheh withdrew from the series due to being injured, her replacement Maggie Cheung has not formally been added to the cast yet. To avoid any interruptions in the shooting process, the two lead actors Wayne Lai and Ron Ng have been shooting nonstop in the last few days, even into the late cold nights, it can be said 'adding hail to snow'. Perhaps Ron was affected by good friend Raymond Lam's famous Chok look, but today he returned to work looking like a hot guy. On contrast, have always went down the comedy path, Wayne Lai pretends to be cool this time as the investigator team leader. The two 'handsome guys' could not help but laugh at each other 'Chok' appearances, it was a funny scene!

FH3 had a rough start with lead actress Charmaine Sheh suddenly getting injured and had to withdraw from the series, Producer Miu Siu Ching quickly found Maggie Cheung to replace her. After all, it is a change of actresses on a short notice, the shooting process has indeed been interrupted. Maggie just did her costume tryouts yesterday, and the fastest she can start working is this Thursday (27th). Lead actress cannot start working formally yet, but the two lead actors are working nonstop, through the cold weather and late nights.

At the scene, it was seen that after Ron completed the car garage scene, when he got off the car he continued to have the Chok look, taking off his helmet with one hand, posing handsomely. For the close-up camera angles, he showed off his handsome qualities. However, when the director called cut, he couldn't help himself and laughed, Wayne was besides him and laughed with him nonstop.

Later, it was lead investigator Wayne Lai's turn. The scene was about Wayne leading his team to the crime scene, the director requested that he make a Chok look and act cool, he was also asked to be more natural. After completing the scene, everyone was secretly laughed because Wayne was not used to acting so cool. Besides Wayne was Ron who was laughing and saying he wasn't used to seeing 'Chai Gau' so handsome leading a whole team. During shooting, the weather was very cold, everyone was just trying their best to hold it in, so when they didn't have to shoot, they would immediately put on their heavy coats to keep warm.

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Next month, Toby Leung is turning 28 years old and though she dated her 31 year old boyfriend (Aaron) for less than a year, the couple plans to tie the knot this year. Toby's boyfriend is Aaron Wong Man Ho, who is in the clothing manufacture business and has 200 million assets. Earlier her boyfriend gave her a two karat diamond ring valued at 6 figures as 'down payment' for marriage. Currently planning for the wedding, Toby invited her good friends Natalie Tong, Angela Tong and Vangie Tang to be her bridesmaids.

A few days ago at 6pm, reporters spotted Toby in black framed glasses and a gray top at Causeway Bay with her fiancé Aaron. Toby's older sister and brother-in-law were also with them, the four of them stopped at a noodle place to eat. Wonder if Toby is a regular customer at the store, but she was chatting nonstop with the boss there.

After noodles, Toby stopped at a convenience store to buy drinks and although at the time there were a lot of people walking around on the streets, Toby did not care and shared the drink with her fiancé, 'one sip for me, one sip for you'. During the time, Toby's left hand had the blinking 2 karat diamond ring on.

Walking around the street markets, Toby was sticking to her fiancé, sometimes holding his hand, sometimes linking arms with him and cuddling up to his arm, appearing very intimate. Soon before she found out there were reporters taking pictures, her sister and brother-in-law dashes off. Toby generously said to reporters: "You scared my sister away. (Your shopping?) I love to eat the fish balls here, I especially came here this time to have them. We're leaving now!"

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International brand PRADA held their 2011 Spring and Summer Fashion Show in the Academy of Fine Arts Art Gallery located in central Beijing last night. Over 700 artists from China, Hong Kong and Korea came as guests, including Maggie Cheung, Cecilia Cheung, Joyce Tong, Gong Li and Liu Ye.

The main focus of the night was the rumors of Maggie's change in love life. In a spring fashion, Maggie and over 3 years German architect boyfriend (Ole Scheeren), arrived at the scene 10 fingers interlocked. They were very friendly, stopping to let the media take pictures.

When Maggie accepted an interview, she denied that she came hand-in-hand with her boyfriend because she wanted to clear up the rumors that her love is changing. She said she and her boyfriend often hold hands because by chance they were both in Beijing, so they came to the show together. Maggie said: "I saw online that the media wrote a lot about us, it is not because of what's online that we came! Some people said we broke up, then I say yes! When the whole world says we broke up, then I will say it doesn't matter! All that matters is the two of us knows what's the real situation!"

Maggie expressed she does not have plans for marriage, she laughed and said she basically can't respond to the more and more news that emerge daily: "I also don't have to response, we don't care!"

As to the rumors that both parties have met each other's parents, Maggie said: "Nothing special, earlier we did meet both of our parents, actually I have a lot of friends who have met my parents. (Will get married?) Nope! Sometimes say we broke up, sometimes say we are getting married. (How is the relationship now?) It's enough that we know, there is no need to explain to people. I am very happy right now. (Said you got thinner because of the relationship?) My figure has always been about the same. If they write that I break up, then they'll say I got thinner, if I got prettier, they'll say I'm getting married!" As to if she's going to collaborate with Stephen Chow, she just nodded and left.

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Kate Tsui and Vivien Chow attended the series promotion for A Great Way To Care. When Kate appeared, she expressed there is someone MIA again for the promotion, and the person she is talking about is lead actor Alex Fong. Kate said: "He's busy in Mainland earning extra milk money again. I called himed, told him to make more and come back to HK to treat the celebration party!" As to the high peak rating of 35 points, Kate frankly said it's a good start for 2011. She hopes to be able to shoot a sequel and continue the collaboration with Alex.

As to her other series that she is currently shooting Forensic Heroes III, Charmaine Sheh's lead actress role was replaced by Maggie Cheung due to her being injured, Kate expressed: "I haven't collaborated with Charmaine before, but health is the priority, hope she gets well soon."

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