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Wayne Lai, Kate Tsui, Ron Ng, Nancy Wu, Aimee Chan, Edwin Siu and the rest of the cast to TVB anniversary series Forensics Heroes III took part in the promotional event. Last week, ratings for the series averaged at 32 points, and peaked at 34 points. Yesterday the cast appeared in Halloween costumes to celebrate the holiday. Kate's costume as the sexy female ghost stole the limelight, but her vampire cape was covering her up too much. Ultimately, producer Miu Siu Ching had to step in, by lifting up her cape a little to show Kate's body figure. During the picture taking, Kate shouted: "Made me so embarrassed!"

Later during the interview, Kate expressed TVB told her to dress up as the sexy female ghost. When asked if FH3 gets even higher ratings, will she appear even sexier? She laughed: "Wait until I keep fit first. I am not used to being sexy at series promotions, a little embarrassed. If the ratings really are that great, I don't mind being a little sexier! (Wear a bikini?) Well that is too much! If Wayne and Ron wears their swim trunks, I'll consider then!"

Also, there are a lot of Netizens feeling pity for Ron that he was 'demoted' in the series. Ron thanked the audience for their support, he said: "Wayne is definitely the main lead, we police officers are just there to assist the forensic professionals!" When speaking of rumored girlfriend Viann Zhang exposing on Weibo yesterday that she lost her handbag, some fans responded wondering if there would be 'Raymond Lam-Mavis Pan' like photos leaking out to the public. Regarding this, Ron said: "Nope! Because we never took such photos, there will definitely be friend-like photos. (SMS?) Just normal SMS! Nothing to be afraid of! (Will you give her a new cell phone as a Christmas gift?) Just buy it herself!"

With regards to Ron said to have been 'demoted', Wayne said: "Nope! He has more jobs than I do. I only arrive when there is a dead body discovered. We are comfortable with the scenes. (You have higher salary!) I am the lowest paid artist in TVB, because its only with low pay that I have so many other part-time work. It's not like it's not enough!"

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Posted by Hex on Monday, October 31, 2011

Myolie Wu's TVB anniversary series Curse of the Royal Harem premiered last night. She expressed aside from inviting her partners out to enjoy the series together, her family will also be at the scene to support her. Asked if her 'family' includes rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong? Myolie laughed: "My family, I am saying my parents, aunts and uncles." When speaking of Bosco publicly expressed he doesn't have 'The Seven Year Itch', Myolie seemed to have avoided the question: "I have no comment, should just ask him. I will not comment on anything he answers." Asked if she has The Seven Year Itch? Myolie said: "I don't know how to answer, just ask him! However, I wouldn't confirm what he says is true, he has always been contradictory in his words. Wait until I confirm first before we talk!" Myolie frankly said she does have a pursuer, she said: "The guy isn't married, I'm not married, I will have to really think through this!"

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TVB sitcom Til Love Do Us Lie and anniversary series Curse of the Royal Harem premiered last night. Yesterday afternoon the cast to both series including Eddie Cheung, Kiki Sheung, Joyce Tang, Hanjin Tan, Myolie Wu and Sunny Chan drummed their way into TVB City for the press conference. Joyce Tang, who had a quite a 'plump' chest, bent over and showed off her nice body figure. She really put in the effort and became the center of attention.

When reporters asked her about the surge in her upper body while she was drumming? Joyce expressed with pride: "It really moved? Don't play with me! (Did you feel it?) It's so hot, I can't feel anything. (Has she waited for this opportunity for a long time?) I found out that I had to do drumming earlier when I returned to HK from Malaysia. Honestly, I really don't have much feeling, just feel really hot." In the sitcom, Joyce plays a couple with Hanjin. He was standing besides her and greatly praised: "Joyce's body figure is like a Ryoko! She is definitely my 'Ryoko wife', that is Japanese actress Royoko Yonekura!"

Eddie and Kiki collaborate again, TVB cut a clip of their bed scene to make the promotional clips, but the two were not embarrassed. Eddie said: "TVB didn't deliberately do that, just out of luck that the scene was cut for the promotional clip." Kiki said: "On the first day of shooting, we had to go to a high class hotel room and do a face-to-face intimate scene!"

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Singer Bondy Chiu will be marrying her boyfriend, from outside of the industry, of many years on November 26th. It was said the couple will be holding the wedding banquet at a seafood floating restaurant in Aberdeen (Hong Kong Tsai), with Western style buffet to entertain the guests. Yesterday Bondy uploaded a photo of her wedding invitation on Weibo and reveals she'll be giving out the 'red explosive' invitations today.

The day before, Bondy participated in the Wine and Dine Hong Kong Festival 2011. Bondy releases a music album every year and is planning to hold a concert next year. When speaking of her wedding is around the corner, she expressed she is not too nervous, just treat it like a party. Asked if she is inviting many friends from the industry? She said: "I won't say who I'm inviting because I don't know if they will be coming yet." After marriage, she does not have plans to have children yet.

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Michael Miu attended the press conference to the Charity Run in Ocean Park. He expressed he and his wife Jamie Chik will be participating the charity run: "Engaging in physical activity with weak hands and legs, will help bring back the spirit. Those who often take the MTR (HK Subway), walking up and down are usually the healthiest." Asked if he usually takes the MTR too? He said: "Rarely! I tried before, but people recognized me and I was asked for pictures constantly."

When speaking of the TV King battle, Michael greatly supports Michael Tse: "Lives of Omission received good ratings. Even if Kevin Cheng is said to have a better chance, I still think Laughing's chances are much higher. In fact this year we were in Dwelling Couples together, perhaps my acting is just too good, so they had to 'hold back' on releasing the series so Laughing can get TV King first."

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TVB new series Curse of the Royal Harem will have a 2 hour premiere tonight (Oct 31st). Yesterday afternoon, the cast and crew gathered together to promote the series. At the promotion, the best features of the series were shown. In the series, Myolie Wu and Jessica Hsuan engages in a heart scheming fight for power in the palace. The two chances to take the TV Queen title is going to be high. Jessica expressed there is a realistic scene where she gets slapped by Myolie. She said: "In fact, the scene was shot at an angle, but with the addition of sound effects, the results really looks real. Myolie actually had greater pressure than I did because she was worried she might hurt me." Jessica said she has great confidence for Curse because the script is excellent. She hopes the premiere ratings could get over 30 points.

After watching her own performance in the best features clip, Jessica only gave herself 50% because she rarely does dramas set in the palace, so she is inexperienced. She said: "Watching the clip, I felt there was a lot of places I could improve on, my acting could have been better. It is a small issue that only I know, audience may not be aware." When speaking of Jessica's TVB contract that expired in September, she expressed she is still discussing. She will soon be heading over to Mainland to shoot a modern drama. When speaking of her love life, Jessica laughed and said she will have to wait until next year when she has better fate before she starts thinking. Since she's single now, she will concentrate on her work.

Myolie Wu greatly pressured by her villain role

Portraying the Empress, Myolie frankly said it's a rare chance that she gets a villain role, but this also brought her pressure. She said: "Even the event today has given me a lot of pressure. Last night I couldn't sleep. (How would you rate yourself?) I don't dare to, in fact I am very worried because the role is not too likable. I'm worried audience might not like it, so I hope audience will understand why my role does the bad things she does." Myolie expressed after the series broadcast, the will definitely be different comments, so she won't deliberately try to avoid anything, but instead accept all comments. Myolie feels she still has room for improvement, she feels she can be even more evil, but her experience from this performance was truly valuable to her. When reporters teased she and rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong both played villains? Myolie laughed: "So What?"

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Tavia Yeung, Wong He and Judy Tsang attended the One Victory real estate ribbon-cutting ceremony yesterday. Tavia exposed she has her eyes on one of the units that is nearly 1,000 square feet. This special unit is valued at HK$20 million. Tavia laughed and said she hopes to get a discount from the real estate development company: "Currency nowadays do not hold much value, of course need to buy the 'brick'!" Tavia claims she has a 'property saving' addiction and joked she will have to ask TVB to give her a pay raise, so she can be 'promoted' to a landlady. When speaking of this year's TV Queen battle between Myolie Wu and Fala Chen, Tavia did not hesitate to say she already voted for herself: "It is fine whoever wins, the most important is to be beautiful!"

As for Wong He, who is currently developing in Mainland, expressed he is going to save up to buy this special unit within 2 years: "I won't ask for a discount, I have my capability." However, he declined to compare Mainland and TVB's salaries. As for the rumors that Charmaine Sheh is taking the lead in helping with the poach and was accused of being a traitor, Wong He supported her and said it's normal to switch companies and there should not be any speculation of 'betrayal'.

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'The Seven Year Itch' curse troubles all couples. Back then love sparked between Bosco Wong and Myolie Wu when they were shooting War of In-Laws, in a blink of an eye, it has already been 7 years. This 'sister-brother love' was heavily criticized by the public in the beginning, but the fact is, the couple is more steady than ever and still going. Bosco is accomplished in both love and career, but he frankly expressed he still does not have any plans for marriage. He has just stepped into the peak of his career, so Bosco is not desperate or itching for marriage.

(Bosco speaking...)

I have always hoped to keep my love life low-profile and maintaining this state feels quite good. All along, relationships is between two people, so I don't want to make it so clear.

The '7 year itch' has never worried me because I have my own philosophy. Honestly speaking, the 'itch' can come anytime whenever desired. Don't necessarily have to wait 7 years to start itching. It's just when I face rumors, I get a head full of itches, haha! However, rumors are inevitable. Many times, after I read about the rumors, I just take it as a joke, but now I'm used to seeing rumors once a new series starts. Just like when Lives of Omission broadcast, there were rumors between Kate Tsui and I. Luckily, I am open-minded. Actually, as long as you don't care about the [rumors], it cannot bother you. I just care about my own work.

Marriage is a moment of thought

Some people say that in a certain point in life, people must get married in order to maintain a relationship, but in fact just as long as two people are happy, that is enough. Don't need to deliberately do anything. Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau, they dated for so long and just got married recently. I personally feel that marriage is a lot about timing. Perhaps its just a moment of thought, but now both parties give enough space to each other... I don't know how to describe this, but it's just feels comfortable. Perhaps it can be put this way, both parties do not have any expectations on the other.

At this moment, I have no plans for marriage. In the past when I was younger, I hoped to be married by age 30, but now I'm already 30 and I don't feel anything. Perhaps I have too much to do. There really is a lot of planning involved when thinking about marriage and having children. It's just like I have high expectations on the home I live in, my dream house is living in a pent house, which is really expensive. I'm also a little extreme, I want to make my house really pretty.

Michael Miu as a role model

Regarding my future family life, I have a small blueprint. I hope to be like 3 Gor (Michael Miu). He's married with a son and daughter, has his own business and shoot a few series once and a while to satisfy is craving. You have to put in the time to take care of a small business, at least you have to have the ability to take off several months to just look after the [business], but having been in this industry for so long, I am convinced that there is such thing as good luck. You cannot predict time, if no one asked me to shoot series/movies, no matter how hard working I am or how much I strive, it would be useless.

I have always been doing a wide range of investments, like buying gold, homes, blue-chips, these are stabled and no need to look after. My mom is retiring soon, so I opened a small eye-glass business for her, so she can have something to do after retirement.

Open the largest restaurant in Malaysia

I have always wanted to open a restaurant in HK, but the rent in HK is just too frightening, so I decided to open one with a friend in Ipoh, Malaysia. Just another gift to my mother, I'll just go visit once and a while. The restaurant has its own live band, I invested about 7 figures into this business and it's currently under renovation. This should be the largest restaurant in Malaysia, about 8,000 square feet for an average rent, haha. I don't even know if I could rent a 3,000 square feet in HK with this sum of money.

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Edwin Siu is the elegant Prince Siu. Back then, he was the music newcomer king. Then in the [o雪o雪o雪] TV Ad, he became a laughing stock and since then, he was banished to Beijing.

Said the wrong things, took the wrong paths, this is normal in human life. Fortunately, there is a Take 2 in life. It was Edwin's rebirth when he came back to HK to shoot TVB series. In his recent performance in Forensic Heroes III (FH3), his role has been well-received. He openly acted out the drunk craze, his exaggerations was comedic and he was able to put down his identity as a prince. Edwin won back his audience fate, and finally brushed off the negative news he had before.

It was rumored he was defeated by Moses Chan in the pursuit for Aimee Chan. His love opponent is the industry's well known "good deal". Edwin laughed out loud, and said rumors are harmless. In fact, he already has a good friend, Gigi Ho.

"I dated 8 times." He paused and started counting: "1, 2, 3,4...I had more before I entered the industry, about 6 or 7 times." As a Prince, he is bound to have many relationships.

Gigi Ho

In FH3, Edwin crashes into the men restroom and sees Aimee in her bra. That scene broadcast last week and got a peak rating of 32 points. This also gets Prince Siu recognition from the audience that he can indeed do comedies.

"I came in with messed up hair, currently I don't care about my image when I'm acting. In the past, I would be so caught up by how my hair is blow dried or if this or that isn't pretty enough. Actually I done a lot more [in the scene], but a lot of it was cut out. There was one part I was hugging the urinal as I shouted: 'This is the men restroom! The producer said it does not make sense for forensic professionals to be this nasty. Unzipping the zipper is also something I added myself."

Edwin isn't as great as he was before, when speaking of the rumor that he was pursing Aimee Chan, he smiled and admitted he lost to Moses Chan and that that there is a sense of entertainment.

"That time, it was mainly because reporters followed Aimee. She and I were in North Point shooting a scene together, just eating eggettes and the reports were written as if 'acting turned real'. Aimee and I knew what was going on, but there isn't any awkwardness when we see each other."

The main storyline involves Moses, Aimee and a third party. This makes the story even more exciting. Edwin understands how the entertainment news operates, but in fact he already has a partner. His partner is Scoop's host Gigi Ho.

"She is a good friend, I don't know like to tell the world that I found a good friend to chat about my deep feelings with. I will cherish this, but relationships is like a 3 month old fetus, very sensitive. I don't want to say too much that could affect the development of the relationship."

It was said their contact is very secretive, the two also went on a trip to Macau with Edwin's mother.

"It is actually just a trip with my mother, but Gigi was also working in Macau as a host for a function, so we had dinner together. It is nothing special, nothing like meeting the parents. She's really amazing, she knows a lot of people. She helped me book the hotel room for half the price."

Edwin is 34 years old, so dating is very normal. He clarified Sharon Chan isn't a matchmaker, he got closer with Gigi at Zhu Kai Ting's wedding last September. Is there a chance to develop further? He firmly answered: "There is a chance!"

Model Girlfriend

When asked how many times he dated, Edwin threw out a large number: "8 times." He said since high school, he didn't have to really pursue girls at all because he just naturally had girlfriends.

"When I was about to enter the industry, I had a very helpful girlfriend. That time I was a model, and she was too. We were under the same company, later I participated in the new talent singing contest, she helped me pick out the clothing and brought my family to come see me. Soon after, I signed with Jackson Lee, chose the songs and signed the contract, she still attentively took great care of me. However, when I officially became a singer, she started drifting away from me, like she just completed her mission. She said she can predict a lot of jealousy and sneaking around. She didn't want to go through that and hoped to find a boyfriend outside of the industry. Suddenly, she decided break up with me, I assured her that my heart won't change, but that didn't help. Later, I went looking for her and we got back together for a short while. Eventually she said the same thing to me. We dated for two years, so I was really hurt, but I had no time to cry because I was really busy as a singer. The next day, I worked from day to night because this relationship just somehow ended, which made me especially heartbroken."

Thought I was Gay

"When I was developing my career in Beijing, I met a girl from Singapore. We were together for 3 years. She is an actress, by the surname of Fu. We were shooting The Golf Beauty together. My Mandarin isn't good, so she would often teach me. She didn't keep her distance at all, and even came to my room to teach me. Actually, she thought I was gay. It was only later when she learned the truth. During the time we were shooting the series, I was really happy. It was considered love in a different place. We were shooting in Hangzhou, a beautiful place called West Lake. We went to many different places together. When the shoot ended, we were both busy with our own work, but considered continuing the relationship. Later, we decided that love is everything, so we rented a place and lived together. That time, my relationship with my company was unclear, I often didn't have any jobs. She was very supportive. When I was feeling down, wondering why I am stuck here? She comforted me. We would often go traveling, going to many different places. She was the most important person in my life."

After three years of cooking together, living together and having a group of common friends, Edwin says it felt like they were married. In 2008, he decided to come back to Hong Kong and sign with TVB. This led to their break up.

"She didn't want to go to HK, in fact she didn't want me to be in this industry. I considered this, but ultimately, my mother wanted to be back in HK. I also wanted to give it a try. I was reluctant though, she was in Beijing, I was in HK. I once tried hard to maintain the relationship, whenever I didn't have work, I would fly over to Beijing to see her. She came to see me too, but she really needed someone to be by her side. It's quite a pity actually."

How is his ex-girlfriend doing now? Edwin does not dare to ask, he just knows she's back in Singapore and retired from being an actress. She opened a hair salon and is living her life well.

The responsibility of the Elder Son

Edwin did not hesitate to say that of the many girlfriends he loved, there were several that misunderstood he was gay.

"Looking back at my old pictures, I did indeed have big red lips, really did look kind of gay. Later, I tried to get tanned as much as possible, so I can change this image. I also tried to lower my voice."

His nickname is Prince Siu, but in fact he didn't come from a wealthy family. He definitely can't compare to Juno [Mak]. His father works at the Correctional Services, but because he didn't like to suck up to his manager, he remained in a low position. In high school, Edwin learned that his father had cancer in the nose and throat, turns out that he was ill for several years already and has been hiding from the fact from his children.

"I am the oldest son, I have a younger sister and a mother. I started to feel the sense of responsibility. If I didn't have to look after my whole family, I had to take care of myself. While studying computers, I worked part-time in sales, real estate, sushi making and many other jobs. Later, I became a model, but it wasn't because I had dreams to become a superstar. A 4 hour booking is HK$500. I earned a lot more than an average young person."

Battle for Newcomer Award

Edwin's singing mentor was Elisa Chan. Jackson Lee started Music Nation under Richard Li's PCCW. Introduced as Miss Chan Chan's student, Edwin was recognized and due to this, back then he was the Newcomer King. Several millions were invested to promote him.

"I was really scared too. I was just a normal guy that suddenly saw posters everywhere I went. Those days felt like a dream, didn't feel real at all. At that same time period, my company also gave me the opportunity to release two music albums."

His assistant covered all his hairstyles and makeup, he did not have to come in contact with the public at all because his company would answer all questions by the media.

"I was in the company's car more than I was at home. The car comes pick you up at 9am and then drops you back home at 1am. That same routine went on for 6 months."

His 'dream' included an MV directed by Stephen Chow, of course this is all because of the relations Jackson Lee had.

"One night, I saw Sing Yeh [Stephen Chow] in the office. We were in a meeting together, he strictly asked me: 'How do you think you will portray this role?' I was like muted and didn't know how to answer."

Another part of his 'dream' was when Anita Mui specifically praised that he's the best Newcomer. That year, the newcomer award battle was intense. The top 3 were Juno, Shawn Yue and Edwin.

"I went in as a fighter, there was a lot of news too, some were really crossing the line, but it was all purely for promotions."

The downfall of his career

The peaking point was the TVB Newcomer Award that landed on Edwin's hands. He made a high-spirited boastful statement: "Evil Cannot Defeat Good", which caused attacks from all sides. Edwin was heavily criticized by the public [because everyone thought he was too proud and was talking about Juno].

"That one statement almost K.O me. Later, I had a lot of negative news. To some extent, the news were all related to that one statement I made. I don't regret saying it because I know deep down I wasn't directing it towards anyone. I was just talking to my boss (Jackson Lee). You know he's that type of person too. Prior to the event, I heard I won't win, and will only get the silver award. But I couldn't believe it was opposite of what I thought, so when I got on stage, I went crazy."

After the incident, the more Edwin tried to explain, the worse it got. The most wrong move he made was participating in the [o雪o雪o雪] TV commercial.

"People laughed at me, saying I looked stupid. Sandra [Ng] called me vulgar on TV, I saw it too. The commercial had this kind of demand, my company agreed too. I didn't have a say in this. Not long after the commercial ended its broadcast, I remained in HK to calm down. In these several months, I was really unhappy, hid myself at home. Later, my company made arrangements for me to go to Mainland."

The enlightenment of his Father suffering from cancer

When Edwin was shooting a series up north, his father had already been fighting his cancer for over 10 years, and has already reached the final phase. Edwin was feeling even more down and worried he would affect his father's emotions.

"It was very difficult for him, I was really afraid he would see me on the news. The reports had a lot of ugly words, calling me a magnet that goes around playing with girls. I was in Beijing, but I felt like I haven't completed my tasks in HK before leaving. I was afraid people would think I couldn't handle it, that my company didn't want me. My feelings were not the priority, the most important was my family. I was really afraid my relatives would be asking: 'Where did your son go?' And [my parents] won't know how to answer."

His father's cancerous cells spread to his liver, then throughout his whole body and eventually he was hospitalized indefinitely. Edwin went to see him and what touched him most was he remained strong: "I know he was really in pain. He used less morphine than others, but I never heard him complain at all."

When Edwin's father died, he was not by his side, but in Chengdu working.

"He was seriously ill during this time, I was with him in the hospital 24 hours a day. It was weird, the doctor said his heart was still beating, but when I really couldn't stay any longer and rushed back to Mainland for work, my father passed away. I really think it was because he didn't want to let his children see him at his weakest."

Grateful of Producer Miu Siu Ching

His father's strength, gave him a lot of enlightenment. Edwin said: "All the setbacks in my career, is it considered anything? So, I really wanted to go back to HK and start over. This was my greatest driving force."

Edwin has been back in HK for 4 years, he said the first year he spent most of his time waiting. Once he waited 6 months and still no jobs, but later, the waiting paid off.

"My screen time increased more and more for each series. The producers tried using me in one series after another. I am especially grateful of Miu Siu Ching. I have been continuously shooting 4 of her series including the Emperor in Beyond the Realm of Conscience, Dai Fu Ma in Can't Buy Me Love and the current Forensics Heroes III. If it wasn't her, I wouldn't have had a series at all. Recently I have been shooting Lee Tim Shing's Ladder to Heaven. I really want to thank him for taking the risk in casting me as the big villain in this series." 

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This year's TV King and Queen battle is heating up. For now, the TV King battle is between Michael Tse and Kevin Cheng, whereas the TV Queen is just simply between Fala Chen and Myolie Wu.

Although Fala's strict Madam Jo role in Lives of Omission was well-received by audience and she got TVB Executives (Virgina Lok and Stephen Chan) strong support, she only has 1 series on hand. Myolie, on the other hand, had The Rippling Blossom broadcast earlier this year as well as the upcoming Curse of the Royal Harem. First time playing a villain, Myolie hopes for a breakthrough. Myolie has 3 series this year, which gives her a much higher chance for victory. It was understood that recently, Myolie has been training herself to be more fit, aside from shooting body slimming advertisements, she hopes to stand at the awards ceremony in her best physical state. She frankly said: "I have confidence, I can't lose!"


Myolie Wu
Had a series broadcast all throughout the year. The first two series she got great public response and is able to keep up with the popularity.

- The Rippling Blossom (Early 2011)
- Ghetto Justice (Mid 2011)
- Curse of the Royal Harem (Late 2011)

Fala Chen
Her sexy performances in the recent year has made her one of the frontline TVB FaDans. Last year she won 'Best Supporting Actress' for her role in No Regrets. This year she has another opportunity to rise even more.

- Grace Under Fire
- Lives of Omission

Linda Chung
Since her debut 7 years ago, she has been part of the [best actress] nominations every year except for 2009. Last year her Ghost Writer and Can't Buy Me Love had pretty good success. This year, she's back again.

- Yes Sir Sorry Sir
- River of Wine
- Super Snoops (guest star)

Tavia Yeung
Although Tavia's acting has been said to be about the same in every series, but it's the stability that wins. Also, this year she played a good person in all of her series, so she should probably get some sympathy points!

- The Rippling Blossom
- Face to Fate (previously warehoused)
- Yes Sir Sorry Sir
- The Other Truth
- Men with No Shadows

Kate Tsui
When we are talking about the most productions by a TVB FaDan this year, if Kate claims second place, no one will dare to claim first. Also, in every series her performance is quite on par.

- A Great Way to Care (previously warehoused)
- Relic of an Emissary
- Wax and Wane
- Lives of Omission
- Forensics Heroes III 

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Posted by Hex on Saturday, October 29, 2011

Michael Tse, Francis Ng, Miss HK 2011 Rebecca Zhu, Kate Tsui, Janice Man, and MC Jin attended new film Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 opening ceremony yesterday. Rebecca is already receiving TVB's special treatment, by giving her the lead role in the film. She will be portraying Francis' girlfriend. It's no wonder, yesterday she was the center of focus when she was introduced out on stage. Francis expressed he does not mind leading the new blood and felt it's a normal thing, pass on down generation after generation.

Shooting Laughing Gor again, how much is he paid? Francis said: "How would TVB treat me poorly, I got a raise. Miss Lok is very extravagant when she makes her move." Francis claimed his role can be played by no other in the moviedom. He said: "In the film, I play a highly intelligent criminal, you have to have the look to do this. Looking around the entire moviedom, no other looks right."

This is Rebecca's first time in a film, she expressed she does have pressure, but will do it at all cost and hope everyone understands. Prior to the shoot, she will familiarize herself with the script. When asked if Michael will be leading newcomer Rebecca? He said: "There are many seniors leading her, actually I think I might need a senior to lead me as well." Michael expressed he anticipates the collaboration with Rebecca and hopes to see her break the female lead 'must die' fate.

Michael reveals he will be involved in a love triangle with Francis and Rebecca. He will also be playing battle of the wits with Chapman and Francis in jail. When asked if TVB is heavily promoting him to become the next TV King? He said this year his 'report card' is not too bad, so he does have confidence.

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Yesterday Ron Ng and Kate Tsui were in Sha Tin for the Calvin Klein store opening ceremony. Ron didn't allow the female stars to steal all the light as he was dressed in a very deep V suit, showing off his 'true chest'. Compared to Kate, Ron was so much more sexier, 'killing' his group of See Lai (housewives) fans. Ron laughed: "Forget the dress shirt, let me just come today in a Deep V!" Kate teased Ron, saying he has to take safety measures to prevent exposure.

It was said Johnnie To ridiculed Kate that she's done plastic surgery. Kate stressed she never done plastic surgery before and is very satisfied with her current look. If necessary, in the future she will consider it. She said: "I was slandered, he was just saying I look more like a big girl now. I have to treat To Sir (Johnnie To) for a meal and say sorry. Really caused trouble for him this time."

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Posted by Hex on Friday, October 28, 2011
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Vincent Wong and his fiance Yoyo Chen accepted Eileen Cha's radio interview yesterday. When speaking of their wedding date on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), the couple excitedly expressed they will be hosting a banquet with over 20 tables on the 13th for their family and friends. Yoyo expressed: "Initially I planned to take a few days off to prepare, but I just discovered I have work scheduled before and after. We might just have to go to ShenZhen for our honeymoon!"

Vincent reveals he invited Him Law, Stephen Huynh, Edwin Siu and FAMA member C Kwan, Nancy Wu and his brother to be his groomsmen. As for Yoyo, her bridesmaids will consist of all friends from outside of the industry. She laughed: "Of course I will leave more opportunities for my group of sisters! I heard the groomsmen are already drooling!" The couple hopes to start a family before the age of 35, and have at least two children because a family of four is the happiest.

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Raymond Lam's album LF and his Light Up My Live Concert DVD had ideal sales. Yesterday at the celebration, Raymond's 2 albums were awarded as a 4 platinum seller. TVB executive Virgina Lok and EEG executive Ng Yu were prepared big gifts for him.

Ng Yue gave Raymond an "Always Victorious General" statue, which he jokes that Raymond should actually be "Always Chok General". Famous for being
'Chok Fung', Raymond modestly said: "It's tiring Choking all the time!" Miss Lok brought a "LF" shaped chessboard for Raymond as his gift. The idea is for Raymond to have success in all three areas - TV, Film, Music.

A splendid success in his albums, Raymond expressed his gratitude for the fans who supported him by purchasing the legal copy. Ng Yue revealed there are plans for Raymond to step into HK Coliseum once again next year. Raymond said: "HK Coliseum concert for 3 consecutive years, I have thought about taking a break. There should be first new and attractive elements in my music. We are still discussing, see how my company arranges it. (Is there a schedule already?) No, if it does happen, it will be the end of next year." Reporters took Raymond's song Let's Get Wet to joke with: "You can't get wet in the winter?" As a easy-sweater, Raymond claimed: "I'll be wet either way!"

Also, Raymond was 45 minutes late to the celebration, he explained because the driver took the wrong route that led to the delay.

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Renowned martial arts actor Gordon Liu has suffered a stroke and is disabled.

The 56-year-old Kill Bill star was reported to be in a severely depressed mood.

However, he was seen to be more cheerful recently after receiving encouragement from family and friends.

The latest issue of Hong Kong's Next magazine revealed the kung fu star had a stroke during band practice early August, causing him to fall and hit his head on a stairway.

He was sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

After the stroke, Gordon's right hand and leg suffered immobility and made him wheelchair-bound.

His speech is also impaired.

Gordon started training at Lau Cham's martial arts school of Hung Gar discipline when he was eight.

He entered showbiz in 1973 after participating in a kungfu movie funded by Lau Cham's son - popular action choreographer Lau Kar-leung.

Although he was given the role of Wong Fei Hung in Challenge of the Masters in 1976, Gordon only shot to fame as a Shaolin hero in The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, two years later. He has participated in nearly 200 films and TV series.

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TVB Siu Sangs Michael Tse, Ruco Chan and Kenneth Ma arrived in Malaysia the other day to host the opening ceremony for My Astro On Demand My Favorite Awards Ceremony 2011. Depending on 'Laughing Gor', Michael had a huge jump in popularity as he is nominated for 4 awards including 'My Favorite TV On-Screen Couple', 'My Favorite Theme Song', 'Top 15 My Favorite TV Character' and 'My Favorite TV Best Actor' awards. The other 4 nominees for 'Best Actor' are Wayne Lai, Moses Chan, Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong. The battle will be fierce. Also, Michael's Lives of Omission got the most nominations, 14 total.

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, October 27, 2011
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Wayne Lai and Claire Yiu attended a public event together yesterday. Towards the recent reports that Maggie Cheung didn't want to get marry and have children too early, so she broke off with her boyfriend. Her partner from Forensics Heroes III, Wayne, expressed he hasn't heard of the news. Asked if he would introduce a "good deal" to her? He smiled: "I don't have that capability. I personally don't have many friends." He also said he rarely talks about personal matters with Maggie.

Yesterday the event was related to exercise and household hygiene, Claire reveals last year her daughter suffered from hand-foot-mouth disease and even infected her father (Thomas Lam). Thomas' pain was much more severe than his daughter. Claire said: "At the time, he said it felt like he had 100 canker sores in his mouth, I felt so heartbroken seeing how painful it was for him."

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Jessica Hsuan, Myolie Wu, Sunny Chan and the rest of the cast to TVB anniversary series Curse of the Royal Harem attended the promotional event in their ancient costumes. The cast made a special trip to Lantau Island to pray at the temple there. After Jessica's TVB contract expired, she has been busy working in Mainland. When speaking of the TVB poaching crisis, are the terms for contract renewal a lot better? She smiled: "Better than before, but I haven't decided whether to stay or leave." Asked if Ricky Wong contacted her before? Jessica smiled and did not answer. Later, she said: "All based on how I'm feeling, not confirmed."

Jessica expressed she supports Myolie Wu for TV Queen this year, she said: "Myolie really did well in Curse of the Royal Harem, very hardworking and serious towards her work. Actually I feel guilty because I wasn't serious enough. I rarely shoot costume dramas, so I had a lot of words I didn't understand and had to ask others. Luckily, everyone was willing to help me."

As one of the hot favorites for TV Queen, Myolie felt really pressured. She said: "I am so nervous, shouldn't think too much!" First time playing a villian, Myolie claimed she wasn't evil enough: "Perhaps I look too well-behaved." However, she said the storyline is brilliant and compact. She anticipates 30 points TV ratings on the premiere.

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Since Joel Chan started dating the daughter of The Gambling King's (Stanley Ho) third wife, Florinda Ho, he gets to fully experience being someone significant during the celebration of the Gambling King's 90th birthday. Joel said: "I haven't received an invitation yet, but when it comes to gifts, I really get a headache. Mr. Ho already has everything." Since Joel is the future son-in-law, he is especially nervous, asked if he'll tell Florinda to help him pick out a gift? He said: "Don't say it like that, Florinda will be thinking hard on her own and I will have my own intentions." Does he hope to borrow this opportunity to gain more points? He asked back: "What points?" Asked how Mr. Ho's condition is like now after he was discharged from the hospital? Joel said this is Florinda's family matters, but he already told his girlfriend to send his regards on his behalf.

It was reported Florinda is investing into opening a new fashion store, in attempt to force him to retire from the entertainment circle. Regarding this, Joel denied: "She didn't stop me from acting. She also has no intention in opening a men fashion store. Everyone knows I like fashion, but that does not mean I have to do a fashion business." As it was said he likes to wear fish net clothing after he started dating Florinda, Joel stressed his style is very broad and has high receptivity. He said Florinda likes baking, and he is also shooting new series Ladder to Heaven with coffee lover Moses Chan. Since they both like coffee just as much, Joel is considering opening a coffee shop with Florinda. He said: "However, brewing coffee requires deep knowledge, I am just a beginner. Recently, Moses Chan has become one of my idols. I admire his smooth career, relationships and his skills of making coffee."

Also, Florinda has been involved with everyone after she started dating Joel. She recently became good friends with Joel's good buddy Derek Kwok. She even became the godmother of Derek's daughter, Ashley, a very cute girl. Florinda writes on Weibo: "My god-daughter Ashley Kok! Chubby and cute! @DerekKwok. Today I am very happy!"

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Last night, Deborah Lai had the happiest 60th birthday because she finally got to see her two grandsons Lucas and Quintus. She hadn't seen them for over 6 months due to the whole divorce between Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung.

Last night at 7pm, Nicholas drove to the Cosmo Hotel in Wan Chai for his mother Deborah's birthday party. Lucas was dressed very nice and eye-catching. In a leather jacket, Lucas was surrounded by reporters trying to take pictures of him. He happily jumped around in front of the cameras. As for Quintus, he initially displayed a strange look in front of the cameras, but later he was frightened and started crying. Nicholas was carrying him while he fussed, cried and reached out his arms wanting the caregiver to carry him.

Deborah initially planned to visit Bangkok, but because the local area is severely flooded, reporters asked Nicholas if he was worried about his mother's safety, so decided to postpone the trip? Nicholas did not respond. When reporters asked Lucas if he knows he's here to celebrate his grandmother's birthday? 4 year old Lucas rolled his eyes (not in a bad way) and did not respond. However, Nicholas told Lucas to call reporters "aunt".

Jennifer Tse and her boyfriend (Andy On) arrived at the party hand-in-hand with a batch of flowers. Jennifer was asked if she's taking her boyfriend to see her mom? Andy couldn't help but steal a laugh. Susanna Kwan and her same-sex close friend Willy also attended the party.

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yesterday TVB new series Prosperous Father was shooting the promotional clip. That day it was also Steven Ma's 40th birthday. The crew had champagne to celebrate the completion of filming and gave Steven a birthday cake. Steven expressed he is happy to step into the 40s and start a new phase in life. The day before his birthday, he spent HK$10,000 to host a birthday banquet. He invited a large group of good friends including Linda Chung, Fala Chen, Tavia Yeung and many more to celebrate with Italian dinner. Asked if his girlfriend attended too? He laughed: "Many good friends were there together. I also cut two birthday cakes!"

Steven reveals his birthday wish is for good health and more opportunities to earn money. Does he want to break off with TVB as soon as possible, so he can earn the real money in Mainland? Steven smiled: "Over the many years, I have been very happy in TVB. Even now TVB and I are happily discussing. No matter what happens, it is just the method of collaboration is different." He will be heading over to Hengdian in November to start Legend of the Yuan Empire Founder and is making a big fuss before he leaves TVB. Steven said he's just fighting for the right path, only the right path is the way of the King. He will no longer bear with matters he doesn't want to bear with. He has already reached an intolerable stage and this has forced the rebound he's doing today. Steven decided to follow his aspirations to handle injustice. He said he's already a big boy, whether if it's work or personal matters, he will have to careful plan for the future. Asked when he's getting married? He immediately played dumb: "Last night I had some drinks, I'm still not sober yet!"

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The Chrissie Chau Sau Na starred film BAUHINIA WOMAN (JI GAING HUP) has already released its two initial poster designs. Chrissie was already fully in gear, ready with a giant rice cooker on her left hand and six HK$1000 bills on her right. She stood atop the Hong Kong skyscraper in the Hong Kong night sky and was about to charge in to save Hong Kong. Another poster showed off Chrissie's proud figure with
an air of mystery.

The film has already prepared a series of promotions, including using seven figures to rent two buses from this year to the film's 2013 release to travel throughout Hong Kong. Aside from the bus body, even the bus top would be filled with BAUHINIA WOMAN designs. Aside from promoting locally, the film company also prepared an English poster for the European and American markets to promote the Hong Kong local hero internationally. Chrissie was excited about being able to participate in the HK$60 million 3D production as she finally had a taste of being an action actress. She even began to start martial arts for this film. With BAUHINIA WOMAN's Mainland investment, she would be able to invade the Mainland China market with this film. The opportunity for Mainland fan recognition was rare.

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Irene Wan Bik Ha two nights ago attended her film 72 MARTYRS (YING HUNG DIP HUET)'s premiere. Aside from the director Derek Chiu Sung Kei, Irene's husband and sister also attended. Did Irene's adopted son come? She said, "He wouldn't understand it." Irene said that after watching the film once many memories came back to her. Because her father was a soldier they used to live in Tiu Keng Leng, where residents were all former Kuomintang soldiers. When they arrived no one had anything and had to start over. She said when she was little she has heard many stories, like her mother used to have a great life but after the war she lost everything.

Irene said that this year is the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, she thought being able to make this film was very meaningful. She said the scene in which Tse Kwan Ho retrieved the corpses was very touching. Would she be more selective with her roles? She said, "I hoped to be able to make movies with depth, with emotional scenes that would be hard to forget." She revealed that later she will have a chance to work with Donnie Yen Chi Tan on a new film. She might have action performance. Would she asked Chi Tan for action training? She honestly said that she would if the need would arise, she has worked on the wire and action scenes before.

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Paul Chun Pui, John Chiang Dai Wai and Derek Yee Tung Sing's mother Hung Mei, originally named Law Chun, earlier passed away at the age of 93. Yesterday a funeral was held. The brothers at 4:45PM conducted an interview with reporters. They were dressed in black suits and said that their mother was a Catholic, so the funeral would be a Catholic ceremony. After the ceremony the remains will be taken to be cremated and the ashes will rest at the Chang Sha Wan Catholic cemetery. Speaking of his mother, Chiang Dai Wai was teary eyed. Was he reminded of his mother's teaching? He said, "If I want I can talk for a long time, everyone has parents." Because his mother was an actress in the 40s, a special memorial program was published. Yet Chiang Dai Wai said that it was left to be the next generation's responsibility. They said that most of the grandchildren returned to Hong Kong for the funeral.

Elaine Chiang Yi Lan brought her children, who left early after paying their respect. She and her husband Raymond Cho Wing Lim spoke to reporters. She said that she had many memories of her grandmother, over the years they have been very close. She said that Grandmother was already 93 and even had great-grandchildren, so she passed away very peacefully. Although when Grandmother passed away not all the children and grandchildren were present, most were by her side.

In addition, Wong Wai Kei, Albert Yeung Sau Sing, Damien Lau Chung Yan and others attended the service. Many artists like Louis Koo Tin Lok, Wai Ying Hung, Yeung Sau Sing, Jackie Chan and his wife, Leon Lai Ming, Lau Ching Wan and Amy Kwok Oi Ming, Peter Chan Ho Sun and Sandra Ng Kwan Yu, Andrew Lau wai Keung, Linda Wong Hing Ping, Vivian Lai Shui Yan sent floral arrangements, Aunt Six also sent a floral arrangement as Shaw Fong Yat Wa.

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Posted by Hex on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just one Mainland drama Startling Step by Step got Kevin Cheng a jump in popularity domestically (in HK). It was even said the production company in Mainland is offering to pay TV King Kevin 160,000 yuan per episode if he joins them. Kevin's market isn't only in Mainland, this year his role as "LAW BA" in TVB series Ghetto Justice is just as good for getting TV King again.

When a person has money, they start getting itchy. Recently Kevin has been busy shooting for new series Ghetto Justice II, as seen on the set, Kevin seem to have got something going on with 34C second female lead Christine Kuo. Last Friday (10/21), after jugging down a few drinks, Kevin goes and tries to provoke Christine to take pictures with him. Kevin initiated the move, but unfortunately Christine gave him a lemon: "I think he had too many drinks". That's so sour!

The 41 year old Kevin was reborn this year, pocketing lots through his work in both Mainland and HK. However, not much happening in his love life. When it comes to his rumors, we will have to count back to August, when he was photographed at international model Jenny Tsui's house for 72 hours. However, recently Jenny got a new love interest. Kevin is dry as ever without any girls. It was said, he has feelings for his partner Christine Kuo in Ghetto Justice II

28 year old Christine was the winner in 2009 Miss Chinese International Pageant. Aside from her devil 34C body figure, she has always been the Goddess to the 'home boys'. Lately, since TVB is lacking FaDans, Christine is fortunate is one of the new blood for heavy promotion. In Ghetto Justice II, she becomes the second female lead [behind Myolie Wu]. She plays Kevin's ex-wife and will be fighting for LAW BA with Myolie from beginning to end.

Borrows 'being drunk' to take photos

Christine already has a partner though. She is currently in a stable 'brother-sister' relationship with 24 year old 2008's Mr. Hong Kong winner Joey Law. However, Kevin has nothing to fear. Earlier at a public event, Kevin already praised Christine: "She's hardworking and clever!"

On Friday, the two were in Sham Shui Po shooting a chatting while drinking beer scene. As there was actual beer to support the scene, so the two were actually 'drunk'. However, the gentleman Kevin was telling Christine not to drink too much as he was drinking. Reporters at the location heard Kevin attentively say to Christine: "You can just pretend to drink, I'm afraid you might get drunk!" Later Kevin took out his cell phone and started provoking Christine to take photos with him.

Kevin took the initiative, but Christine didn't seem to appreciate it. She said to [FACE]: "Kevin is a handsome guy. Before I thought he was really cool, but he's quite playful! (Do you feel he's pursuing you?) Huh? Joey and I have a very stable relationship. (He was provoking you to take pictures with him?) I think he had too many drinks!" Looks like he didn't just drink too much, but also thought too much!

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Joyce Tang, Eddie Cheung, Kiki Sheung, Lin Xiawei and Benjamin Yuen took part in TVB new sitcom Til Love Do Us Lie. Joyce appeared at the event in a low-cut outfit and played games where she had to often lean over. She laughed a friend saw clips of her series and felt she was very sexy. Asked if she got a better body figure? She laughed: "The designer just helped me buy me a smaller tanktop!" She also praised her partner Hanjin Tan: "He is so cute, but he's always like an abandoned dog, made me seem like I'm so despicable."

Also, this is Eddie's first time collaborating with Kiki Sheung. Towards the old rumors that Kiki didn't get along with other artists, asked if he felt his on-screen 'wife' is hard to get along with? He laughed: "I heard the rumors too, but the filming period for this series is really long. Also, we are all adults and know how to adjust to circumstances, just working!"

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Earlier it was exposed Vincent Wong and Yoyo Chen were getting married, but Vincent said frankly he hadn't proposed yet. He said he will find a good opportunity to propose to his girlfriend. The other night, after Vincent completed his stage play Barefoot in the Park, he took advantage of the time and openly thanked his girlfriend's support. Then Vincent took out a batch of Yoyo's favorite sunflowers and a diamond ring. He walked off the stage and towards where Yoyo was seated, then he immediately knelt down and proposed to her!

At the time, Yoyo was so surprised she didn't know how to react. The audience around her all cheered while Yoyo smiled widely as she nodded. Vincent immediately put the engagement ring on his fiance and the two had a deep embrace. Vincent then gave Yoyo a kiss. What a touching scene.

Yesterday reporters contacted Vincent, he said that night at the moment he proposed, he felt very nervous. The other cast members Joey Leung and Leila Tong tried to calm him down, he expressed: "I asked them how do I say it? Joey told me I shouldn't be thinking too much, just say what's from the heart. Prior to the proposal I made arrangements for over 20 of her friends and ex-classmates to be sitting on every corner of the arena to witness this. I even told them not to let Yoyo see, so many of the friends didn't even dare to go to the restroom!"

Vincent describes Yoyo as his chancellor that manages his everyday life including his meals. Backstage, Yoyo laughed and said she's definitely not a 'spicy hot wife'. On stage, the couple received applause from the audience and good friends. The two will be holding some 20 table wedding banquet in Island Shangri-La. Since they have too many friends from the entertainment circle, the seating arrangements will give them the biggest headache.

Also, many good friends congratulated them on Weibo. Myolie wished them 'together until old age' and said Yoyo will be marrying a super good husband. Vincent responded to Myolie: "Thanks Myolie, you do the same!" As for Sharon Chan, she wished them 'together until old age, love forever and to get a fat and chubby baby.'

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Posted by Hex on Monday, October 24, 2011

TVB FaDan Linda Chung attended a Halloween event in Dai Po and made Halloween treats live on the spot. She also performed two songs. When speaking of the recent rumors that TVB decided internally that they will be giving her the "My Favorite Female Character Award" this year, Linda expressed she is happy and has confidence: "We won't know until the last moment. However, I really like my Miss Koo role! (They're promoting you because there aren't any other FaDans?) No, Charmaine Sheh, Jessica Hsuan and Maggie Cheung are still shooting series. Not much of a difference!"

Linda reveals that she will be shooting new series Miss Koo Spinoff next month with Bosco Wong. Clearly she is being promoted for the award. She expressed it is Producer Lau Ka Ho's idea: "He said he never seen such response for a female character. We haven't discussed the details yet, but my character is different from the last series (Yes Sir Sorry Sir)." Regarding the TV Queen title, Linda feels there is still room for improvement, so she does not dare to get it yet. She does hope one day when she gets it, it will be deserved.

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, October 23, 2011
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This year's TV Queen hot favorite Myolie Wu has been praised of her improved acting from her performance in Ghetto Justice. Her series Curse of the Royal Harem will be airing soon, but yesterday a reader contacted [Oriental Daily] and said TVB is strongly pushing Myolie's momentum. Aside from being on the cover of their official magazine, TVB also plans to delay the awards ceremony. Yesterday Myolie accepted a telephone interview and expressed there are many matters she cannot control. She laughed: "If I am really that powerful, then I would have gotten the award a few years ago! However, this year I am very lucky because I had series broadcast from beginning to end."

Yesterday Myolie and Steven Ma were guests at shoe brand CLARKS store opening. As Myolie is catching up with Fala Chen on being the hot favorite for TV Queen, Myolie said: "Hopefully! (Isn't Fala your female boss?) I'm not too sure. (Did she put pressure on you and told you not to get the award?) Nope."

As for Steven, he reveals he will be in Mainland shooting during the award ceremony, but TVB does hope he makes an appearance. Asked if that implies he's going to get an award? He expressed he is just participating, and will not use awards as a condition for the contract.

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Twins' Everybody Jump up Concert will be stopping in Shanghai next month. A few days ago, the duo arrived in Shanghai for the press conference. They revealed earlier they collected opinions from Fans on the internet, many fans felt that it was unnecessary to accommodate Mandarin speaking fans and make special changes to the songs. Fans hoped to keep the classic Cantonese songs the way they are. Gillian Chung said: "Fans have followed us for 10 years, no matter if its Cantonese songs or Mandarin songs, they are very familiar with it all. They never let the language barrier get in the way."

As far as the costumes go, Twins will continue and use the costumes made for this concert and will have new costumes as well. In order to have enough time to rehearse for the concert and prepare for their new Cantonese album, Twins took the initiative and 'warned' their company EEG to not arrange too many jobs for them. Twins said: "The sponsor is currently discussing the schedule for next year, they made arrangements for a concert tour all over China."

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Posted by Hex on Saturday, October 22, 2011
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Last night, TVB series Prosperous Father held the end-of-filming celebration. Because of the recent rumors of Steven Ma's early contract termination and the producer couple Miu Siu Ching and husband Lau Ka Ho changing jobs for a higher salary, they were teased that this series is their last TVB production.

Steven expressed there has not been any changes in his decision for the early contract termination. He said: "The current situation is not considered a see-saw, I hope before I leave to Hengdian on November 1st, we can reach consensus. All along, we weren't discussing contract renewal." Steven emphasized he is only displeased with the management department's operations and arrangements, and not directing towards his manager Hillman. Asked if he can't accept Virgina Lok? Steven said: "I am not against anyone, just directing towards the entire department. Everything is inadequate." Asked if Virgina is the one mainly discussing with him? He said: "No, I spoke with other executives too."

Producer Miu Siu Ching was rumored to have plans on leaving TVB. She said: "I want to take a little break after completing Prosperous Father, and then decide. My husband still has to shoot a series in November, so will have come back to this matter next year. Actually, the salary is not the most important, it is more so if whether we leave or stay with TVB that we can still stay together. If we resign, we need at least 6 months." Miu Siu Ching expressed her son is already a lawyer and can live an independent life, so she can do what she likes at anytime. There are so many options out there for her to choose from.

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Yesterday Bosco Wong, Kate Tsui, Yoyo Mung and Stephy Tang arrived in Shanghai for a Charity Race. It is the first time the four of them touched car racing. Kate joked she wants to fight for last place with Bosco.

Bosco expressed after doing a test run, he felt a little nervous. He said: "Today what I need to focus most on is remembering the roads, The fastest I did was 180kph. I don't have much hope myself, as long as I'm not the last one. We are all here for charity anyway." When speaking of girlfriend Myolie Wu exposing that the earring he lost earlier was a gift from her and not worth HK$100,000. Bosco laughed: "In fact, I don't know how much it cost, just being a big mouth. I just guessed the price. Women really can't keep secrets! (The relationship is obvious now?) It's just the gift that is obvious!"

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Yesterday Yoyo Mung was at the Shanghai International Racetrack preparing for the Sunday All-Star Charity Race with Niki Chow, Lee San San, Carlos Ng and Chin Ka Lok.

It was Yoyo's first time participating in a race, aside from Go Karts, she has never been in a race before. When she was playing Go Karts, she was usually the loser. She laughed: "My goal is first place. Doesn't matter if it's starting from the top or bottom of the list." Yoyo joked the company told her even if she can't do it, leave a good reputation and be infamous.

Yoyo has had her driver's license for over 10 years, and had always been driving safely. One time because she was rushing to the airport, she was speeding 110kph (~68mph). She laughed and said at the time she felt really pressured, she feels driving is a pleasure and has no interest for speeding.

Once Yoyo was shooting at a racetrack and a driver expressed his desire to take her for a spin, but she declined because earlier Yoyo got into a car accident while driving, now she doesn't dare to speed at all. She said: "This time I'm speeding purely for Charity."

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Posted by Hex on Friday, October 21, 2011
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Jessica Hsuan is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and depends on this skill to develop her career in the Mainland and Singapore markets. In Mainland, she shoots Mandarin dramas, whereas in Singapore she shoots dramas in English. As her schedule is so tight, she will be shooting two Mainland dramas and is closely earning the Yuan. She won't be able to shoot any Hong Kong series until next year.

Late October, Jessica is estimated to be back in Hong Kong to promote for TVB series Curse of the Royal Harem. It is unknown whether she will be able to participate in the promotions or not though. Early November, Jessica will rush back to Shanghai to shoot a 30 episode modern series. Asked when she'll be back in HK to shoot another series? She said let nature take its course. Recently the TV industry has been involved in a poaching crisis, Jessica feels her manager will arrange all her needs and the places she will be shooting. However, the earliest she can shoot a HK series is next year. After being in the industry for so long, Jessica feels the desire to go out, open her eyes and see the world. Recently, Jessica has been focused on Mainland dramas, collaborating with different crews and artists. Its a refreshing feeling for her and creates new sparks, especially with Mainland artists' excellent acting skills. In Mainland there are many aspects that are following closely to Hong Kong, even trying hard to catch up. Of course Hong Kong does have advantages over Mainland in terms of filming conditions, in that she misses collaborating with Bobby Au-Yeung, Sunny Chan and other artists.

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The other night, Raymond Lam attended Switzerland's Ernest Borel 155th Anniversary Celebration held in Shanghai. Recently he has been in Beijing shooting for new film Saving General Yang. As the shooting location is on a desert, the sandstorms are tremendous. He is already used to eating at the desert, but he will still have to scrub his face clean. Since he has to wear heavy and hot protective armor for the shoot, Raymond joked his muscles have stiffened quite a bit.

Regarding the TVB and HKRIA royalty dispute is currently at the critical point of breaking the ice, Raymond said: "Good thing, I hope to collaborate with other singers as well, to be together under one roof." Asked if he's worried his chances will decrease after the settlement? Raymond said: "I am not a singer because I want awards. Also, regardless who wins the awards, there will be voices heard, so why not just have a more lively atmosphere then."

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A few days ago, Aimee Chan had a bra-revealing scene in Forensics Heroes III. This led to a heated discussion among Netizens. Aside from comparing her to Fala Chen's bra-revealing scene in 2009's The Stew of Life, Netizens also discovered Aimee had a strange 'scar' on her underarm. This led to speculations that she once had something done to her chest (boob job). Her boyfriend Moses Chan clarified that the 'scar' is just the lines on her underarm. Moses made all effort to defend Aimee. He said: "Don't make up nonsense!" Generally, Aimee's bra-revealing scene was well received by audience. The Broadcasting Authority received 1 complaint yesterday regarding the scene having an erotic component.

Aimee participated in Miss Hong Kong 5 years ago with a 34D cup size, which got her the label "soup bowl chest". At the time, she did have rumors that she got a boob job, but she already denied. Recently for a scene in FH3, she had to appear in her bra. It was seen she had a satisfying body figure and it was a feast for the eyes, but that wasn't as eye catching as the underarm 'scar' she had. However, overall Netizens commented that Aimee's reveal was pretty healthy, so the next day no complaints were received. It was only until yesterday that there was 1 complaint.

Recently, Aimee and Moses have been a huge hit. Earlier they were spotted cooking together at home, revealing their close relationship. Moses couldn't bear with his girlfriend's body figure being questioned, so he voiced out to support her. Yesterday afternoon, Moses attended the Hong Kong Girl Scouts anniversary event. He was asked about his girlfriend's bra-revealing scene. He laughed: "I haven't seen it, but I heard the ratings are high. She is the healthy type, I give her 100%! (Do you mind?) As an artist, it's hard to avoid sexiness, I don't mind, I even revealed my butt before. I pay more attention to the story/acting, she greatly improved! (She has a scar under her arm, its speculated that she's done surgery!) That's just the lines under the arm! Don't speak nonsense!" Towards the Netizens comparisons of Aimee and Fala Chen's bra-revealing scenes, does he feel Aimee beats Fala? He said they are both good. For Aimee, besides the sexiness, she also did a healthy reveal.

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