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Last night, ex-rumored couple Him Law and Mandy Wong were shooting a hugging scene on the busy streets for TVB new series A Chip off the Old Block II. They attracted a large group of onlookers at the location. In the series, Liza Wang breaks Him and Mandy up, Him was asked if he encountered the same situation in real life? He said: "No, I'll wait for the relationship to be stable first before introducing her to my family. (Have you introduced Tavia Yeung to them before?) How does this relate to Ah Yi? Ah Yi is my good friend, my mom has seen her on TV before, no need to introduce her." Him also laughed and said Mandy is like his brother, but Mandy joked back and said she sees Him as her sister.

It was said Tavia has to see a secret miracle doctor, yesterday Tavia attended an event and expressed: "I just have a waist injury, not as serious as you all have imagined it to be. (Him Law didn't send his regards to you?) Regards are sent whenever something happens. (Did he accompany you to the doctor?) No, I go see the doctor myself when I have time."

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday Yoyo Mung was the guest model for jewelry brand Luk Fook's event. Yoyo had on over HK$10 million of Luk Fook's jewelries to accompany the wedding dress on her. She had on a 5 karat tiara on her head, and expressed she has thought about a fairytale style wedding before: "It really has never crossed my mind before, but after watching Prince William's wedding, I was influenced by him and hope to be a princess too." Yoyo is also very careful on boyfriend Ekin Cheng's wallet, "The set of jewelries I have on now are too expensive. I'll be happy with 3 karats."

When asked if Ekin has ever given her a diamond? She said: "I don't remember. (Too small you can't remember?) I guess." She expressed the first thing she needs to know is her ring size and implied her boyfriend gave her a diamond ring before.

Also, last night Ekin attended a separate event and Grasshopper directly asked him for tickets to his concert. When asked if he'll propose to girlfriend Yoyo at his concert? Ekin said: "Nope! Work is work, personal is personal!" As Yoyo was displeased by how small the diamond he gave her was, Ekin laughed and said giving her several million dollar Chinese agarwood would be more worth it!

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Flora Chan has been through two marriages. Since marrying her manager Mike Chung in 2006, she appeared very loving in public with her husband. In 2007, Flora and Mike had their daughter Mira and the family of three had been living a happy life. Flora concentrated on looking after her daughter and rarely appears on-cameras. Earlier, problems arise in Mike's marketing company as he encountered disputes. As a result, he filed for bankruptcy with the High Court, which formally went into effect in March. Bearing the burden of supporting the family, Flora remained loyal to her husband and is willing to go through the hardships with him. On Flora's 42nd birthday, she decided to just celebrate economically at home. At around 4pm, Mike drove to the supermarket to prepare for his wife's birthday celebration. He was seen buying a $30 frozen chicken and then some fresh vegetables.

This year Flora didn't get to have any major celebration for her birthday, but she is still happy to have her husband and daughter to accompany her. Yesterday, Flora was spotted taking her daughter to school as usual. When Flora discovered that reporters were following her, she was in a good mood and waved to them. When asked if she celebrated her birthday? She smiled widely: "Yes. (Did your husband give you a birthday gift?) Yes. (How about your daughter?) About the same!" Following that, she jokingly asked reporters: "Actually, do you even know its not my birthday today?"

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After leaving TVB, Bowie Lam has been doing very well in Mainland. Recently he's been busy shooting for pre-modern drama Two Heroes in Shanghai. He is getting paid over 7 million RMB to shoot the drama. The other day, he was awarded as the "Most Popular Actor" by college students in Shanghai. Surprisingly, Bowie does not just attract housewives, but he even got appreciation by the 'Post-90s' (young people born after 1990).

Yesterday Bowie attended Shanghai's 5th College Student Television Festival and was voted as the "Most Popular Actor" by the local college students. Mr. Roger S. Christiansen, the director of American TV series Friends, was the guest award presenter. This time, the award was based entirely off of the votes by college students and all of them were melted by Bowie in TVB series Every Move You Make.

Although college students see Bowie as an idol, he appeared polite. Some female students couldn't get his autograph, so at the awards ceremony, they kept passing notes to Bowie expressing how much they like him and hope to get his autograph. The friendly Bowie fulfilled all the requests from the female students surrounding him.

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Last Saturday Sharon Chan was invited to go to Wenzhou to attend a concert. There was also Show Lo, Cindy Yuen, Jay Chou, Joe Ma and Bernice Liu. When Sharon, Joe and Bernice saw each other, the three of them couldn't stop chatting. Talking about this trip, Sharon excitedly said "I've accepted this function because I wanted to see Jay Chau. I really like him. We were born on the same year and same month, but sadly a day from each other. When he sings, I'm like a little fan taking pictures singing and dancing". Sharon also revealed that she bought Jay's new dvd hoping he could sign it for her, but sadly she can not go anywhere near him, but hopes one day they could work together and also ask for his autograph.

Whilst Bernice Liu expresses that she likes Show Lo. When she went to Wenzhou she was on the same plane as Show Lo. At first Bernice wanted to take a picture, but Show Lo was tired and Bernice didn't want to disturb him. Mainly filming in mainland, Bernice has been practicing her mandarin with other actors. She hopes to focus more when filming.

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yesterday Wong Cho Lam was promoting for TVB's new show Homecoming. Cho Lam and his 80 year old grandmother went back to their hometown in Dongguan for 4 days and unexpectedly discovered that Eason Chan is actually a distant relative of his, "I forget if its Eason's great grandmother or grandmother, but she's in fact my great aunt." Asked if he'll acknowledge Eason as his relative? Cho Lam said: "I also want to openly call him my cousin brother. Unfortunately, I haven't bumped into him recently." He expressed his relatives kept asking him about his girlfriend Leanne Li. He expressed he currently does not have plans to get married yet.

It was Jade Kwan's first time going back to Foshan, she expressed: "Foshan where the families of Martial Arts are, and I learned some Wing Chun there. It's quite useful, and can be used to control my husband and perverts. It would be especially useful when my husband isn't willing to give me housekeeping money."

Mag Lam appeared at the promotion in sunglasses, she expressed she has an eye infection. When speaking of the reports that she's often seen at rumored boyfriend Sheldon Lo's luxury home? She said: "Those were just old photos that the magazines published. I have never went to sleep over at his house alone. I've been living with my family all along." As for Sheldon's involvement in Lau Ding Sing's "choosing boys party"? Mag said: "Actually I was there too. It was someone that knew William Chak and we were just celebrating because William got an award, but we don't know Mr. Lau. I remember there were other girls and children at the party as well."

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Steven Ma was shooting for a Hengdian TV series Mandarin Duck Pendant (鴛鴦佩) and got an eye injury. In one scene, Steven was fighting several martial artists and someone accidentally injured Steven's left eye while charging up to him. At the time, he felt some pain as tears came streaming down, and his contacts started shifting too. However, the staff weren’t aware that there was an accident. To avoid slowing down the shooting progress, Steven just used eye drops to take out his contacts and then got right back to shooting. In fact, Steven's eyes are considered quite calamitous. Just a few years ago, he was kicked by a horse and injured his right eye.

Steven said nobody wants accidents to happen. That night, he immediately put ice on his eye to prevent his eye from swelling and thus affecting the shoot on the following day. However, the next day when he got back to work, his eyes were still swollen anyway. The director saw the professionalism in Steven and understood his situation, so he allowed Steven to get a day off for bed rest. The makeup artist and lightning staff were also considerate, being very careful while putting makeup on him and reducing the lightning to maintain Steven’s good looks.

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It was rumored that Moses Chan and Aimee Chan's relationship is the biggest lie of the century and the relationship is just used to hide their actual sexual orientation. It was said the two each have separate partners of the same sex. Yesterday Moses was on Eileen Cha's radio interview and was asked about the rumor. Moses just laughed the rumor off, "You all think too much! Touch wood! My mom saw the rumor and thought it was funny too." Moses heard his rumored partner looks like “Sing Sing” (Aaron Kwok), he laughed loudly and said thank you. As for Aimee Chan, who was working at another recording studio, also thought the rumor was funny.

Moses said: "The rumor hasn't affected my girlfriend and I. Since we started dating, we thank the media for all their blessings, including helping us set our wedding date. I have my own plans and will work hard towards reaching them. I just hope we can have more time to get to know each other more and just wait for the right moment."

When speaking of new series Master of Play, Moses reveals he started having feelings for his girlfriend while they were filming the series, and then started pursuing her. However, it wasn't until they finished filming the series that they started dating. It hasn't even been a year since they dated. When asked if he would mind his girlfriend doing intimate scenes? He generously expressed it's fine, but it would be respectful to let him know beforehand. Finally, Moses did not forget to compliment how "hot" his girlfriend is and she has high flexibility in her acting.

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Yesterday 4 months pregnant Mimi Lo accepted a radio interview and talks about her pregnancy miseries: "This morning I was vomiting so much I cried. Two streams of tears were rolling down." She also said her pregnant look looks ugly, but she doesn't know if her baby is a boy or a girl yet. She said: "If the baby isn't a boy, then that's such a pity!"

Mimi reveals she'll be moving soon and is forced to violate the rules of pregnant woman. She said: "No choice, our current home is too small and only suitable for two people. We'll have to rent a bigger place, enough for a domestic worker to live with us. In fact, I have never had a domestic worker before, this time its for the baby. My husband will handle everything on moving day, I won't appear at all."

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Posted by Hex on Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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Lau Ding Sing's A, B and D cases have already been completed, but according to an insider 30 men were involved in the police investigations, including Him Law, Benjamin Yuen, Bryon Pang, former OCTB senior inspector Ng Ka Chun and a number of the Mr. HK. It was understood, there was indeed some Mr. HK that took photos for Lau. Byron Pang took explicit photos, but Him was conservative and only took a simple photo with Lau at a restaurant. Benjamin only took normal modeling photos. In order to convince the men to take these photos for him, Lau claimed he knew former TVB GM Stephen Chan and EEG boss Albert Yeung. He boasted that there is an executive who gives him male artists to work for him.

Him Law felt uneasy by Lau Ding Sing's seductive voice

A few years ago, Him Law was invited by the police for investigation and reveals to the officer that a friend, Sammy Shum, introduced Lau to him in 2007. Lau basically uses the same tactics on all his targets, he would say he can get jobs and clothing sponsors for them. Later, Him received a phone call from Lau, claiming that he was 'Andy'. Him heard Lau's seductive voice over the phone and thought it was strange. He thought Lau was a gay man and because of this, he felt uneasy about Lau.

Him disclosed the following information to the police: In 2008, Sammy was the middleman and said Andy wanted to meet him. At that one meeting in the coffee shop, Him instantly had a deep impression on Lau: "I thought he had an extreme love for cleanliness and always wanted to look pretty!"

Lau said he could get Him jobs, but he cannot tell his manager about it. Then Lau took advantage of the situation and said he can introduce him to wealthy women. At this time, Him already knew he meant he could supply sex services. Him smiled and declined: "That's not right for me."

A week later, Lau invited him out again. Him went to his house and Lau told him to put on a pair of sandals for him to see. "A gay man asked me to put on scandals for him to see. I thought it was very strange. He probably had another motive, so I quickly refused." Then Lau told him to put on other clothing, but Him refused, which got Lau upset: "You are so protective of yourself!"

Mr. A was touched inappropriately thinking its a job opportunity

An approximately 30 year old male, Mr. A, testified yesterday. On April 24, 2003, Mr. A was a student and a part-time model. He followed his manager's instructions to go for an interview with Lau, who claimed he had an advertisement job for him. Lau took Mr. A to City Garden Hotel in North Point and asked him if he is willing to shoot commercials for sex products. Lau promised his appearance would not be made public. Then Mr. A changed into 4 different T-backs.

At one point, Lau used the excuse of having to fix Mr. A's posture, and went up to touch his penis. Soon after, Lau asked Mr. A to put on a T-back that basically had no fabric. Mr. A couldn't stand it anymore and refused to cooperate. Lau stopped the photo shoot, but asked Mr. A if he's "willing to be a chicken".

Mr. A said at the time he really thought there was a job opportunity, and feared to offend the client, so he didn't know how to reject Lau's demands.

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Kenneth Ma, Myolie Wu, Kate Tsui, Nancy Wu, Oscar Leung, Him Law and Kandy@Sugar Club attended the costume fitting for TVB new series Seasons of Fate. In the series, Kenneth and Myolie play a couple. Kenneth joked he finally successfully 'pursued' Myolie after 6 or 7 years since To Grow with Love. Back then, Myolie wanted Andy Hui and didn't want him, but he's very happy that he got her this time. Myolie said: "I'll give him a chance to touch my hand!"

Kenneth said overjoyed that he will asked the producer to add kiss scenes and that he's best at adding these scenes. He'll also challenges Myolie's boyfriend Bosco Wong over the air: "My tongue is very long, don't have any shortcomings. It's just my hair is short!" When asked why he isn't paired with Nancy Wu? He said that is a question for the producer and he doesn't know. Perhaps the producer didn't think they match.

Nancy feels she doesn't necessarily have to play a couple with Kenneth, perhaps the producer thinks Myolie is more suitable. When asked if she has any kiss scenes? Nancy said she knows Oscar Leung too well, and it would be weird to kiss him. Fortunately, there aren't any kiss scenes for them this time, but in private she actually kissed Myolie before and expressed her thick lips are good to kiss. When reporters asked again if she's talking about Kenneth or Myolie? Nancy embarrassingly expressed: "Bye bye, I'm not answering that question!"

It was rumored because Francis Ng is delaying Triumph in the Skies II, this series is used to kill time, so the cast won't have to wait foolishly. Myolie expressed: "I heard of this too, but I don't know who we are waiting for, but it's no problem. We'll be starting TITS2 in July anyway."

As for Kate, she expressed she and the optometrist are just friends. When asked if he has a wealthy family background? She stuttered a little and said she didn't want to comment too much.

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Yesterday Kate Tsui headed up to Nanjing for an event hosted by her skincare endorsement. Kate happily played games with several of the fans, even if there were really enthusiastic fans, she still accepted them cheerfully.

Back in Hong Kong, Kate will be starting on new series Seasons of Love, where she participates in one of the four stories. As she'll be working with rumored boyfriend Ron Ng once again, she heavily sighed and complained: "I think it's really boring, but the producers and audience like this pairing, so we'll continue. Also, this time it's just 5 episodes. (Fear of more rumors?) I'm prepared for it, but readers will think it's really boring to see us two again."

On the 19th of next month (June 19th), Kate will be celebrating her birthday. She expressed she hasn't made any arrangements yet, but fans have already brought a cake with them to the airport to celebrate with her early. They also sang the birthday song to her. One fan was just 5 years old and he gave Kate a kiss. A very heartwarming scene.

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Posted by Hex on Monday, May 28, 2012
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In showbiz for numerous years, of course 75 year old Patrick Tse's whole family became famous. Back then when Patrick married beautiful FaDan Deborah Lee (Lai), it was a grand occasion in showbiz. Patrick exposes Deborah used the ancient palace secrets to have children and that's how they made Nicholas Tse. Not long after, Deborah was pregnant again, but unfortunately had a miscarriage. Then after another try, they successfully had Jennifer Tse.

PATRICK: Deborah said herself she's a person desperate to marry. It wasn't even a year into our marriage and she already asked me if I wanted children. I said yeah and she really went to do it. She asked me whether if I liked a boy or a girl, she had so many theories: "If you like a boy, then in the two weeks prior to my period, meaning the safe weeks, we have to eat oysters and a piece of steak every day!" I really did eat those oysters and steak for two weeks straight until she had her period. She said it was the time of ovulation, then at the early hours of 6am, Deborah woke me up and told me to "get to work" (make a baby)! After 'work', then get back to sleep. On the next morning, she woke me up for 'work' again at 6am! Then on the third day, we went to 'work' again. I said: "Enough, enough, we hit the target!" Are you crazy? Asking me to 'work' every day? We can't be [making love] for three days straight, we're humans!

Eat Veggies, Stop the Meat, Gets Jennifer instantly

The house we lived in before was amazing, it was at Sheung Sze Wan. The house had a garden and an ocean view. Our room was facing the ocean, very romantic. That was the place where we made Nicholas. My children (Nicholas/Jennifer) really were intentionally made, so I have always pointed at my son and said: "You are made by me intentionally! You were not happily made by your mother and I!" This way he can cherish life a little more. The same for Jennifer, one day Deborah said to me: "Aiya, it's ovulation time, let's make a girl." What secret does Deborah have? She said we have to eat more vegetables, and didn't allow me to eat meat for two weeks. Well unexpectedly we hit the target again (got pregnant). But, one time at The Peninsula hotel we bumped into teacher Hui Pui, he saw us from behind and then patted Deborah's back and said "Deborah!". Just like that, without a sound, the baby was gone. The baby fell out (miscarriage)! At the time, she was pregnant for about two months. I wasn't unhappy, should I have gone and smack teacher Hui Pui for that? It was only later that we had Jennifer. Accidents is life, the Heaven just wants to give you a boy and a girl.

Two Children is Enough, Tubes Tied

Two is enough, I always say I have strong decision making skills, when Jennifer was 6 or 7, I got mines cut (tubes tied). Actually it's a very simple surgery, very different from women. I attach heavy importance to family, if we have a few more children, raising them isn't a problem, but it is educating them that is difficult. Having a boy and a girl is enough! That's how we know to cherish life. I went to get my tubes tied alone, Deborah didn't know. Luckily I got them tied, otherwise if there are more children popping out, we won't even know who they belong to, haha. Nicholas is a boy, so I believe he resembles me, but Jennifer's facial appearance looks a lot like me. We all have the "Tse Family Nose", that's our symbol.

Open-Minded Father, No Generation Gaps Whatsoever

My children and I don't have any generation gaps. Ever since childhood, to when they became adults, whatever they played with, I played along. My greatest achievement is I don't put up the Father attitude. Many people says a few words to their son and then starts putting up the Father attitude. I'm smart, Nicholas is stupid. He puts up the black face, while Cecilia [Cheung] has the white face. Nicholas is very strict with his children. As for Cecilia, I think it's hard to find such a young and famous person. Once they got married, they had two kids without a sound, otherwise how would I have grandchildren?

Land of the Free, Don't Stick to Children

Nicholas is extremely good-nature and filial, so I don't blame him for not being too close to me. I can live without seeing for several months or even call him. Sometimes when he gets back to HK and calls me to tell me he's going out with friends, I'll be really happy and understand him. Shooting movies is hard work, don't always stick to Daddy, you know? I'm very open. They give me a call once and a while for dinner and to see me, but so what? Will I not remember how they look like if I don't see them? I have my own life. When they have time and invite me out for dinner, I say no, I already got plans to play mahjong with friends. Sometimes they have a group of 20 or 30 people and ask me to go too.

The Reason for the Divorce

Back then when I divorced Deborah, our children had the same reaction because they always saw us quarreling. Deborah asked them: "Hey, would it be good for your father and I to get back together?", They said: "No way right?" It's really hard to get along when personality differs, always arguing. We started arguing after age 50, perhaps because she was menopausal and I was beginning andropause. When our fate ended, our marriage ended too.

Name: Patrick Tse Yin (Birth Name: Tse Ka Yuk)
Also known as: 'Fourth Brother' (Because he's the fourth son in his family)
Birth Date: August 9, 1936
Debut: Tested into Leng Kwong Acting Training Class. That following year, he switched to Dik Wah company, and did his first film Teddy Boy Corky Chiu (1954). He has worked with several famous actresses at the time and became the Southeast Asian Cantonese Film Siu Sang. He joined TVB in 1979 and had a few representive works like Love and Passion.

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Bosco Wong miserably got 'played to death' by the airline. The other day, he revealed on Weibo that the airline gave away his business class seat to another person without notifying him. They gave him two options, one was to change his ticket to economy class and the difference would be refunded, or he transfers to another airline.

Bosco said although the ground crew at the airport were friendly, but the sudden change really caught him off guard as he had to run crazily to catch his new flight. Yesterday, Bosco arrived in Shanghai safe and sound. In the end, he decided to change to another airline for their business class: "I'm not upset, they were very polite, but it was just a large plane changed to a smaller plan, didn't have much room at my seat. I was pretty flustered, but I'll still do business with them again."

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, May 27, 2012
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TVB artist Kate Tsui went to Shanghai for an event hosted by a wine company. At the event, it was the first time Kate encountered Taiwanese artist Peter Ho, who thought she was billionaire's daughter-in-law Cathy Tsui and described her to others as the wife of a very rich person. Later, reporters informed Peter that he got the wrong person, but he still greeted Kate as a "Friend from Hong Kong". Towards this 'Beautiful Misunderstanding', Kate generously expressed: "No problem, I just thought it was really funny!"

With an excellent body figure, Kate appeared in a low-cut dress. She expressed she's been actively trying to keep fit for a new commercial she's shooting. However because of the diet she's on, she felt a little dizzy while shooting the commercial.

Earlier it was rumored that love sparked between Kate and optometrist Dr. Tse Wai Ip. Kate clarified he's just a friend: "He's not in the industry, so I don't want to say too much that could affect his family, thank you all for the concern!" Kate expressed her career is the priority now, she's been working nonstop, shooting TVB series Highs and Lows, commercials and films, "The night before I came to Shanghai, I was shooting for a new film until 3 am, and then that following morning at 8am, I had to get on the flight!"

As for Peter Ho, he was the guest performer at the event. Regarding to mistaken Kate for Cathy Tsui, he expressed his apologies: "I was confused, I'm really sorry!" When asked if he didn't dare to add any more attention for Kate? He tried to patch things up by praising her: "She's a Miss Hong Kong! A beautiful girl!"

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Moses Chan (Ah Mo) is the 'Golden Seun Poon' (best deal) in the hearts of millions of HK girls and a TV King candidate that television can't lose. In the industry, he is also known Mr. Good...towards the many titles the public has for him, Ah Mo embarassingly smiled and said: "Thanks, Thanks!" This perfect actor in the public eye stresses that whether if its he's a best deal or TV King, what he's been doing all along is just trying to reach to the peak of television. The bottom line is, he is just one foolish Ah Mo.

We counted with Ah Mo of how many titles he has, he laughed loudly and said: "I really don't have much feeling towards all these titles. Is it because someone says you are this, then that's what you are? I am the same as before, someone who loves to eat and drink, a silly Ah Mo." Of course, all his titles are compliments and positive, a kind regard from Fans, Ah Mo rogered all that. He is grateful, but he does not dare to accept the honor. Indeed! There is no perfect person in this world. Forcing yourself to live under the expectations of others, wouldn't that mean you have lost yourself? The true Ah Mo is behind the titles.

From "Failure on the Big Screen" to "TV King on the Giant Station"

Ten years have gone by, watching many of his colleagues leaving HK television giant TVB, while standing at the peak of the television industry, Ah Mo asks himself: "What's next?" Even though he already has an answer in his heart, he does not dare to think of instant success. From hitting rock bottom in the film scene until what he is today, Ah Mo knows better than anyone else the truth of 'conventional' fame.

Ah Mo: "Watching my colleagues leaving one at a time, I have also asked myself, 'How should I proceed next?' But you have to plan for the future and have to see what choices you have in front of you. So far, I don't see a better path I could take. (Head up North to shoot series?) Honestly since I've entered TVB, I have never filmed a series outside of the company. Even if the 'Chinese Yuan' can be easily earned, but it has never been the first factor that I put into consideration. After all I'm not young, I hope to let audience see my future works that has inner quality and creativity, so I don't rule out the chances that I may make a comeback on the big screen. I currently have to wait for a good time. As for my career, I have always taken it step by step. When you experience a situation where you have nothing to do, then you will start to cherish every meal you have today. Back then, after I participated in the film Twenty Something (1994), I went from being the lead actor to a supporting actor and even to a big 'ke lei feh' (extra). I was waiting daily for someone to give me a job. I couldn't see my future at all. When I joined TVB, it was the last step I took in my acting career. If this step wasn't stable, it would be game over for me. So, I put my greatest effort in doing my best. All those setbacks I had in the past, allowed me to learn how to take my every step and that I must maturely reflect on every one.

From "Player of the Century" to "Golden Seun Poon"

A few years ago, Ah Mo was back on the market, and instantly became known as the 'Golden Seun Poon' (Golden Best Deal). Today, despite the fact that he's already taken (Aimee Chan), he still sees a woman, loves a woman. But, does anyone know before he became the famous 'Golden Best Deal', he was actually the 'Player of the Century'? Ah Mo did not deny that there was a period of time he smoked, drank, partied hard and often got a new girlfriend... so how did this 'Golden Best Deal' label start?

Ah Mo: "Haha, people labeled me as the 'Golden Best Deal', of course I'm not. Everyone has seen too much of Ah Mo acting on TV, and have imagined me as the perfect man. In fact, my thoughts are very traditional. I believe the definition of 'Best Deal' is a man that must be responsible, be able to give his partner a reliable shoulder, really protect and love her. A 'Best Deal' must be able to occasionally be romantic and give surprises. However, in all honestly, I have never qualified for any of these conditions. I'm still in the learning process. As for how I went from a 'player' to the 'best deal' that everyone knows? I think, in life there are different insights during different periods. I remember there was one night long ago, when I was under the spotlight at the disco, the people around me were madly dancing, but I didn't move at all. That moment, my feelings told me: 'This place doesn't belong to me.' And since then, I left the disco and said goodbye to that frivolous age.

From "Foolish Boy" to "Mr. Good"

Showbiz is a place of competition and jealousy. People in this industry are surrounded by nonstop gossips and rumors, but Ah Mo has a protective charm on him that keeps him away from 'bad terms' rumors. As a Mr. Good in the public eye, Ah Mo laughed and said he's just one "foolish man".

Ah Mo: I am a natural born Yes Man. I am friendly with people and don't know how to fight back. I have never been in a fight with anyone in my life. In the past, I was really resistant when people said "foolish people have foolish happiness", but I have now realized that this is in fact a kind of happiness.

Although people with this personality are often taken for granted, but when you are not afraid of disadvantage and willing to help others, then there will be an unexpected payback. After being in the television industry for so many years, there is indeed not many things that can upset me. I like creativity and I will provide suggestions to producers. Sometimes when my suggestions aren't accepted because of several factors, I would just let out a long sigh. To survive in showbiz, you must learn this principle: When someone wants your help, your advice will be helpful; When someone doesn't want your help, your advice is troublesome.

So, even if I do feel helpless, I still think artists should do their part first. There is no need to insist on things that cannot be controlled.

From "Coffee Prince" to "Captain of Dreams"

Aside from his love to enjoy coffee, Ah Mo loves to enjoy life. In his brain, he doesn't just store his acting skills, but also the dreams that people in the city lack.

Ah Mo: "If life is just about running around to make a living, then we are just left with meaningless. So, each individual must have a dream. I grew up in Australia and I believe treasuring life is far more important than making money,. To me, my acting career is definitely not everything in my life because I have too many dreams. For example, in the future I hope to own my very own furniture store, restaurant, village, coffee garden, farm ... sounds pretty crazy, but it is not impossible. As for if my dreams can come true, that will have to depend timing. Of course, I won't give up everything just for my dreams. Again, everything must be taken step by step."

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Lily Leung had an extremely grief Mother's Day on May 13th. Although her son, daughter-in-law and grandson were all by her side, but this year is her first Mother's Day without her husband (Yuen Lai Ming).

Lily's husband left her on May 2nd, that painful feeling of losing a loved one, in all honestly, Lily Jeh cannot describe that feeling in words. When the couple celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary (60th), a friend said with giggles that she'll be waiting to celebrate their platinum wedding anniversary (70th). At this moment, Lily Jeh quitely said: "We can't even celebrate our 65th anniversary. We only celebrated up to our 63rd anniversary."

Facing indescribable pain, Lily Jeh quickly moved from her residence in Hong Kong Island to Kowloon. She moved to a home 5 minutes walking distance from her son, convenient of having someone to look after her. She glances out from the living room and sees the blue sky and a lush of green trees, and couldn't help but say: "If only he was here, he would definitely like this scenery."

In the recent year, Yuen's health had been declining, he could barely walk, but refused to sit in a wheel chair. Soon after he was sent to the hospital, everyone in the family took turns to visit him. However on the evening of March 1st, the family were all heading home from work, but some already got a call from the hospital even before making it home, Lily: "At the time, I was by his side, I grabbed his hand. He kept saying he was very tired and wanted to sleep. I told him, don't sleep, the grand children are coming to see you. Unfortunately, he just smiled and left..."

Married First Lover

Lily Jeh married Yuen at age 17 and have been together for over 60 years. They exceed conjugal love; they are a role model for married couples. The couple were married on October 2, 1949, at the time Lily was underaged to register for marriage, so she was only able to sign the marriage papers in the Chinese style. Initially her parents disapproved of her getting married at such an early age, but Lily Jeh promised she would earn enough money to give to her parents on a monthly basis. It was only then her parents agreed to let her marry. She met Yuen at age 14 while working on a stage play. He was her first lover.

Youngest Son Lost His Life Due to Weight Loss

Lily Jeh lost two loved ones in her lifetime. The first time was in 1998, her youngest son Yuen Wai Hung passed away. In her own life experiences, Lily Jeh understands that worry could really be harmful. "Worry, is more miserable than any other disease. At the time, I couldn't breathe and thought I was having a heart attack. It turns out, how your mood affects you is very important. People must know how to tolerate, able to pick it up and let it go."

Lily's son death was due to his desire for good looks and taking weight loss drugs. He didn't exercise, and would just eat an apple a day. When he visited his sister in the Philippines during the holidays, because of long-term malnutrition, his body suddenly failed on him. He fainted in the Philippines and was sent to the hospital. Doctors initially thought he had pneumonia. While he was hospitalized, his father accompanied him, but eventually because of organ failure, he lost his life.

On December 28, 1998, Lily Jeh remembers that night clearly. The nurse slept on one side of the bed, her son was in the middle and she accompanied him on the other side. In the morning, the nurse suddenly calls her and that was when her son passed away, Lily Jeh said: "He looked as if he was sleeping, very peaceful and beautiful."

Lily's family later took the weight loss drugs that he was taking for lab work. It was discovered that 4 of the pills were illegal drugs. The doctor took those drugs and gave it to her son. Lily experiences the grief of losing her dearest son, she said: "It is really shameless."

No Retirement Plans

Lily Jeh is currently 80 years old, but she has no plans to retire. TVB's executives Catherine Tsang and Virgina Lok are frequently accepting jobs for her to prevent her from being too lonely and thinking too much. Aside from shooting series, Lily is always devoting herself to volunteer work at the retirement home and children that are mentally challenged.

The senior population in Hong Kong is growing, but some people can get so heartless to use a fake address, so when their elderly family member discharges from the hospital, they won't be able to find them. Lily Jeh just cannot understand the mentality that some of these people have. From the education she got in childhood, whenever others help you, you must be grateful.

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On May 22nd, Sonija Kwok gave birth to a 6 pound, 1 ounce baby girl. She was born two weeks earlier than the expected due date, both mother and daughter are healthy. It turns out both mother and daughter are born on the same day! Sonija's birthday is on July 22nd, while her daughter's birthday is May 22nd. The baby girl looks just as pretty as her mother, especially when she smiles. Sonija's husband Zhu Shaojie accompanied his wife into the delivery room and was responsible for cutting his daughter's umbilical cord. The new parents were both overjoyed to tears.

When asked if her husband feared cutting the umbilical cord? She laughed: "He was pretending to be strong, but later he told me it felt like his heart jumped out. I was under anesthesia and didn't know what was going on." Asked who the 'little angel' looks more like? Sonija excitedly said: "She has her dad's eyes, other features like the nose, mouth, hands and feet looks just like me. (Then she has a little western look?) I'm 1/4 mixed too, so I think she is a little!"

Sonjia expressed she is already discharged from the hospital and is resting at home, the wound is still giving her some pain. Regarding to her daughter's name, it is still in consideration. Sonija thanks the media for the concern and blessings.

On Weibo, Sonija's husband posted a sweet message: "Thank you Sonija, my dearest wife. You gave birth to a cute baby for me."

Blessings From Good Friends in Showbiz

Shirley Yeung attended an event and reveals she's actively earning extra income now. She also congraduated Sonija for giving birth to a cute daughter and will exchange baby caring tips in the future. When asked if she envies Sonija and her family? Shirley said awkwardly: "Having a baby is a big event in life. For a smooth process through pregnancy to labor, it is already very happy." Also, Kawaii commented on Shirley's personal life on a program, but Shirley expressed she's not worried of Kawaii revealing anything: "I never talked to her in private. Audience can decide themselves how creditble it is. I cannot control what other says nor will I try to prove anything because I already explained everything before."

Louis Koo: "Really? (What kind of gift?) See what she needs first, then I'll ask someone to buy it for her. She had a baby that fast, didn't she just get married?"

Sharon Chan: "I saw the pictures of the baby, very active and cute. She looks a lot like her dad. (What are you giving her?) Let me call her and ask what she needs first. I want to give an useful gift and must wish her to have more children!"

Janet Chow: "I miss her a lot too, I know she had a daughter. I am very happy for her. The baby will definitely be as beautiful as her mother. (Are you desperate to have one of your own?) Yes! I hope to have a child too, but probably won't make it in time for this year."

Steven Ma: "From what I know, we cannot visit newborns yet. Wait until I get back to HK in July, her daughter will be 1 month old, perfect! (What kind of gift?) I still owe her a wedding gift. This time, the gift to the baby girl should be gold accessories."

Roger Kwok & Leila Tong fights to be Sonija's in-laws

Roger Kwok: "She told me already. Aside from sending my blessings to her, I also told her she will slowly realize the difficulty of being a mother. I saw the pictures of her baby girl, and my son is 4 years old now, perfect for us to be in-laws! When she recovers, my family and I will be visiting them."

Leila Tong: "She told me the good news, I'll visit her later. We can be in-laws, introduce my son to her daughter. We've shared baby caring tips with each other before, I don't think she's a nervous mother!"

Other good friends from the indusry like Charmaine Sheh, Ada Choi and Mimi Lo also congratulated Sonija on Weibo.

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Posted by Hex on Friday, May 25, 2012
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Lately, Edwin Siu's repeated appearance in series has boosted his popularity. His earlier performances in Daddy Good Deeds and Gloves Come Off was well acclaimed, but he keeps his relationships low-key. His only rumored girlfriend is artist Gigi Ho (HK TV presenter). Edwin admits he does not like to keep mentioning his relationships, "I won't deliberately talk about my relationships. Start off as friends first, then after some time, think about taking the relationship further. (You didn't have many rumors over the years?) I've been really afraid of rumors, don't want to cause too much trouble, so I'm not very close with the female artists. Every time I shoot a series, the [relationship] just stops there."

35 year old Edwin expressed he has heavier workload due to his recent series. Asked if he's actively saving up for marriage? He laughed and said his greatest wish is to buy a home: "Looking for a dream house. I like the lower units or maybe homes in the village. I don't want to be near too many people. (Then get married?) Not thinking about that yet, after all I'll have a decision before age 40. If you don't see me married by then, then I'm really not going to marry!"

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Posted by Hex on Thursday, May 24, 2012
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Jason Chan is currently TVB's heavily promoted artist, becoming the lead actor in a new series and gaining favor from advertisement companies. This year he has already been in three commercials and was shooting another appliance commercial yesterday. When speaking of his healthy image, he frankly said: "It's not deliberate. Perhaps because I grew up in England and have a fresh image. Honestly, I am a pretty conservative person."

Jason will soon start on new series Ferris Wheel Happiness co-starring Linda Chung. He said he's both excited and nervous: "This is a good opportunity. Aside from having the chance to work with Linda, I also get to work with veterans, like Law Lan and Ngok Wah. I really can't ask for anything more." Last year at the TVB Anniversary Awards, Jason was part of the nominations for 'Most Improved Actor'. This time, he takes on the leading role, does that give him more confidence? He expressed getting an award is a great source of encouragement, but he will not think too much at this point in time because he really has to hold onto the opportunity. He'll be satisfied if his series gets good feedback.

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A year ago, Sharon Chan went on hiatus because she had kidney inflammation. Because her face has appeared swollen lately, a magazine reported she has SLE (lupus). Yesterday Sharon clarified the rumor on Eileen Cha's interview that there is no such thing and that she's healthy. Sharon said: "No! It's just an inflammation, the report exaggerated it. Since I had kidney inflammation, I have to get my blood and urine check every two months with a doctor to ensure I don't get another infection. In the last half year, the reports have came back with nothing."

Yesterday she was shooting at the Sai Kung pier with Sammy Leung and Mandy Wong for new TVB series Justice Pursuit & Attack. The scene was about Mandy's role as the non-local pregnant woman trying to escape and was intercepted by law enforcers Sharon and Sammy. In the confusion, Sharon and Sammy both fell into the sea. The artists were filming under the blazing sun, which left them soaked in sweat.

Sharon knows how to swim using the swimming styles. To warm-up and cool off from the bitter heat, she showed off some of her skills before the actual shoot. When it was time to shoot the scene, the brave Sharon jumped right into the water and kicked the water, signaling that she's ready to go. However, after 5 minutes in the water, Sharon shouted stop: "I can't do it anymore! Water filled up my shoes, it's really heavy. I've been continuously kicking and I'm really tired now. I have to take a break!"

Fortunately after a small break, Sharon and Sammy completed the scene in one take. When Sharon got out of the water, her wet top turned transparent exposing her black bra, very attractive! Sammy kept turning around to check his white pants to see whether his 'Smiley Face' underpants had been exposed. Then he slapped his behind, triggering a lot of laughter from the crew, so naughty of him!

Meanwhile, Mandy was shooting a crying scene and had all sorts of expressions on her face as she cried. The staff around her were giggling at her broken Cantonese. Later, Mandy expressed: "That language I used, is from my hometown with a little modification. I personally don't think its funny, but I've noticed several times, whenever I use it, people around me would burst out laughing! Actually, I was being serious in my acting, haha!"

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2006 Mr. Hong Kong Maturity Group winner, Otto Chan, made a successful wedding proposal to veteran actor Law Lok Lam's daughter (Tisha Law) earlier this year and plans to hold the wedding in October. The couple were very sweet, mutually complimenting one another and Tisha exposed initially she didn't have a good impression on her future husband! [TN: Otto Chan, had a notable role in the recent series Gloves Come Off as 'Ah Lik'.]

Otto and Tisha are tying the knot in October. The couple is currently preparing for the big day, the date and location have already been set. However, Tisha reveals she and Otto had small arguments during the process, she said: "Engaged couples will bound to have some arguments during the wedding preparation process, but with mutual accommodations, we hope to get the wedding done!"

Love sparked between the couple when they did a stage play together. Dating for several years, Otto really cherishes this relationship, and often praises his future wife, he said: "She's a very smart girl. A lot of times, she's able to help me in decision making. Although my salary isn't high, she's still very supportive of my profession and gives me a great deal of energy!" Tisha disclosed she didn't have a good impression on Otto at first, she laughed: "At first, I thought he wasn't serious on anything he says. I thought he was a playboy, but later after getting to know him more, I realized he has very good character, treat others well and is respectful. These are very good qualities!"

Asked if they'll quickly have children after marriage? Otto said: "I love children, but we're probably not going to have children that fast. At least, I should have the financial capability first." Tisha also expressed she hopes to enjoy the life of two people first before considering children.

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Ten years ago Triumph in the Skies starring Francis Ng, Joe Ma, Flora Chan and Myolie Wu started the surge of handsome pilots. Last year, TVB had plans to start shooting the 40 episode sequel (Triumph in the Skies II) in May, but because of schedule conflicts with Francis, it was said the schedule was pushed back to mid-July. For the sequel, the leads will be Francis, Chilam Cheung, Myolie Wu and Fala Chen.

When speaking of Francis delaying the shoot, TVB executive Tommy Leung didn't deny, and expressed there are several reasons to the delay. He said the series will start mid-July and shooting will take place in England, France and Taiwan. Indeed, this is a high budgeted production. Earlier it was said Ricky Wong intends to shoot a similar series, Tommy expressed its good to have competition, but TVB won't care about what others do, just do their best in their own part.

Fala Chen joins the TITS2 cast as one of the lead actresses because she's been having amazing momentum lately. In Mainland's Huading Award Hundred Artist Rankings, Fala ranks 13th place. First place is Yang Mi, but Fala is the highest ranking Hong Kong artist. In regards to her achievement, Fala accepted an interview over the phone, she said she hopes to have more Mainland productions, but the most important is to have more opportunities for challenging roles. When speaking of joining the TITS2 as the lead, Fala said she anticipates working with both Francis and Chilam on a TV series. She collaborated with Francis before in a film, and really admires his acting. She hopes she can learn something from him in this collaboration. Fala also expressed she hopes to have the opportunity to play a female pilot because it's hot looking.

Sammul Chan may come back for sequel

[Next Magazine] Since TVB gave up their favorite Sammul Chan, he has been having a smooth development in Mainland. Three years ago, his popular hit Schemes of A Beauty got him an amazing salary increase of 20,000 RMB per episode. Now, aside from CTI's Ricky Wong having interest in him, Sammul's former company TVB also intends to make friends with him again. It was understood, Sammul's cousin is TVB's new boss 'The Shell King' Chan Kwok Keung and this doubles the chances for Sammul to make a comeback. He was offered 20,500 HKD per episode, in hope he'll be willing to come back for TITS2.

Since Sammul wasn't TVB's 'biological son', he had been neglected all along. "TVB wants to promote their own people, and since Sammul wasn't willing to sign a management contract, even if The Academy was well-received, he had little screen time in the sequel. That year at the TVB Anniversary Awards, Sammul wasn't even part of the nominations."

"In fact, Ricky Wong personally flew over to Shanghai, where Sammul was, to discuss a contract with him. Ricky offered him 10,000 HKD per episode, which is tenfold of what TVB pays, but at the time Sammul had a few Mainland series on hand, so he had to turn Ricky down."

"Now that TVB is lacking Siu Sang and FaDans and its a mess internally. TVB's new boss, Chan Kwok Keung, is in fact Sammul's cousin and so he's considered 'one of them'. So, Chan has sent out people to contact Sammul, asking him to participate in TVB's grand production TITS2. Coincidentally, TITS2 has been postponed, let's hope Sammul has time on his schedule!"

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Posted by Hex on Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stephy Tang, Ron Ng and Thailand's young heavenly king (Tae) were shooting for a Mainland horror film Fierce Snowy Mountain (凶間雪山) on SiChuan's snowy mountain. Although it is the summer season, the temperatures up on the mountains were just between 5-10 degrees celcius. Stephy had always been afraid of the cold, and prepared a heavy down jacket to stay warm. She said: "I brought 3 down jackets with me, and over 10 thermal long underwear. Also, the filming location is high above sea level, so I'm worried I'll have a reaction to the high altitudes. We don't dare to move or walk around too much." Ron teased Stephy for her exaggerated preparations for the cold. He suggested that she go have SiChuan's super spicy hot pot, so she can heat up her body temperature. He said: "I wanted to treat her to a super spicy hot pot meal to stay warm, but the location that we're filming in is just too far. We're about 6 hours away by car from the city, so everyone just stays in their hotel rooms and rarely goes out. I'll make it up to her later!"

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Jessica Hsuan has recently charged up north to shoot Mainland dramas. The other night, she appeared at the Men In Black III HK premiere. She expressed she does not have a boyfriend yet because she's been busy with her Mainland work. She just came back from Beijing, and expressed her latest drama with Benny Chan Love Amongst War 薛平貴與王寶釧 has broke the TV rating record on the Mainland channel. The drama been the top rated in 10 consecutive weeks. Jessica expressed her happiness and said: "I couldn't believe, I have known Benny Chan for some 10 years, but we're only collaborating after we left TVB." When speaking of TVB artists leaving the company and then bombing their old company is wrong? Jessica is known for her straightforward personality, but this time she blandly expressed: "Each person has their own reason when leaving a company, I understand. Perhaps because they want better development, more money or for some other reasons, but I believe my decision to leave is right. After all, I have been with TVB for over 10 years and considered an artist that signed the longest management contract with them. It is about time that I go out and take that first step."

Does she feel she has more freedom and space working outside of TVB? Jessica is grateful that TVB gave her all those opportunities that got her the fame she has today. She also took the opportunity to disclose the main reason for her leaving the company: "Because the internal personnel changed a lot. We all have different work styles and coordination and can't work well together. In the past, I have always had pleasant collaborations. I am getting older, and have already pass the point of working for money. If I'm unhappy at work, then I leave. Now that I have left, I'm feeling quite happy."

When her plastic surgery accusation was bought up again, Jessica was furious. Earlier a plastic surgery company in Mainland invited her to be their spokesperson and implied she got a boob job. Jessica was still upset at the incident: "Because the contract was different from what was discussed before, so I decided to turn down that job. At the time, I was very angry, I felt a little insulted. I'm not opposing boob jobs, but it is just I'm not too happy that I'm getting accused for doing it. I've encountered these incidents after I left my maternal home (TVB), so I've learned a lesson for the future and will be more careful in accepting jobs."

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House of Harmony and Vengeance starring Bobby Au-Yeung, Evergreen Mak, Myolie Wu and Linda Chung is currently broadcasting on TVB. In the series, Bobby changes his past 'Mr. Good' image and turned into a deceitful and mischievous crafty musician (Kiu Bo Lung). He develops a romantic relationship with Myolie and Linda. Yesterday Bobby accepted an interview with Mainland's Yang Cheng Wan Bao's Evening News.

Transformation: "Mr. Good Turned Bad"

As for Bobby's 'transformation', he laughed and said he can finally break through the "can't be bad" image. Bobby expressed he turned 'bad', but is still lovable. "It is too dangerous to give me a villain role. All along, no one has dared to give much such a role, but this role is in between good and bad, not considered a bad person. After being a good person for so many years, it is good for a little change. Although I had the chance to be 'bad', the filming process was quite a devil. We were filming the series in the summer. It was honestly too hot and there was a few times I almost got a heatstroke. I felt like my whole body was numb, and couldn't say my lines at all. There was one day, I had to change into 5 pairs of undergarments and 2 pairs of underwear because it was just completely soaked in sweat."

House of Harmony and Vengeance sets in the Tang dynasty and revolves around the music bureau. There were several dance experts in the cast, and Bobby was one of them. Back when he was in the [TVB] Artist Training Class, he scored the highest in his class in modern dance. He has also participated in the Miss Hong Kong dance performances. This time, did he personally teach the FaDans dancing? Bobby modestly said: "I've done modern dancing in the past before. I shouldn't cause trouble this time and mess everything up. The girls had a dance instructor train them. Each day when we get off work, it is already really late, and early in the morning on the next day, they have to go for dance rehearsal again. It is very difficult. Fortunately, the results turned out very nice. Some audience said each night, they felt like they were watching the TVB anniversary."

The FaDans: 'Girlfriend' today, 'Stepmother' in the next 2 or 3 years

Bobby's on-screen partners started off with Amy Chan, then to Esther Kwan, Marianne Chan, Jessica Hsuan and recently his partners gradually started getting younger and younger. In the recent years, he started collaborating with the huge age gaps Tavia Yeung, Myolie Wu and Linda Chung. Bobby teased: "No choice, its the temporarily lack of manpower! The male artists are more advantageous in this area. They can keep acting for 20-30 years, just like Hollywood actor Michael Douglas pairing up with 20 year old actresses. That's not a problem. However, female artists changes fast. In this series, they may still be my girlfriends, but in the next 2 or 3 years, they'll become my stepmother."

How does Bobby evaluate the younger generation FaDans? Bobby expressed: "This is my first time collaborating with Myolie Wu. We had chemistry right away. She has a lot of ideas and gave a lot of useful suggestions. Her unibrow look is very cute. The unibrow look, half of it is her own design. Girls usually want to look beautiful, but she's willing to make herself look like that, very brave! When I was shooting Forensic Heroes, Linda Chung was still a young girl, but now she's already familiar with 'electrifying' people. After several years of training, she has completely changed to another person, in both acting and as a person. She initially didn't know how to dance, during the House of Harmony & Vengeance shooting, she had to work and do dance rehearsals, but she already got a hang of it in the middle. Tavia Yeung takes the lead already, and have always had stable performances. She can collaborate with anybody, whether with Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Evergreen Mak, or with me, nothing will affect her performance."

The FaDans are changing over and over again, but Bobby still maintains the 'zero' rumors fate. In the entertainment circle, this is truly not easy to do. On the contrary, Bobby is actually feeling a little regretful: "Before I got married, I had no rumors. After I got married, I still didn't have any. Why isn't there any rumors? Is having no rumors a good or bad thing? Don't tell me, I'm not attractive?"

TVB: "Old Friend Left, Turned Into An Orphanage"

Bobby has been in the entertainment industry for over 30 years. In 1981, he joined TVB through the Artist Training Class, and became a TVB actor after graduation. After racing for several years, he finally becomes TV King from Witness to a Prosecution and then again for Dicey Business at the International Emmy Awards. He has long since become the top competitor in TVB, and been labeled as the 'Sequel King' and 'Housewife Killer'. Although Bobby already switched to a 'per series' contract with TVB, each year he still shoots a series with the company. He's considered a 'Rating Guaranteed' artist who knows his blessings.

In the recent year, his old colleagues have been leaving TVB, even his old partner and good friend Jessica Hsuan left. Bobby expresses his feelings: "I feel it's a pity because there are not many seniors left. When I go back to shoot a series now, there are many 20 something year old artists around me. I don't have any brothers around, feels like I'm in an orphanage, where I'm the head of the department taking a group of young children." Will he consider going out to seek for a new place to belong? Bobby frankly said: "I still have a 20+ episodes 'per series' contract with TVB. Working between Mainland and Hong Kong, as long as the time, co-stars and mood are suitable, I will do it. In the last few years, I've done a lot of Mainland series I think being a Hong Kong artist is more useful."

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Posted by Hex on Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TVB controversial series Master of Play premiered last night and was instantly named 'Golden God Series'. Netizens are actively discussing and analyzing the storyline, dialogue and the performance of the actors. Since the production team Jonathan Chik and Chow Yuk Ming set the stage with their previous series When Heaven Burns, audience were prepared to get the same feeling from this series. Yesterday the Broadcasting Authority received 24 complaints on Master of Play being too terrifying, bloody, disturbing and is not suitable to broadcast during that time slot. TVB also received 1 complaint. As far as the TV ratings, the first episode averaged at 28 points, and peaked at 30 points (~ 1.92 million viewers).

That night, Adam watched the first episode of Master of Play with his wife and daughter. They had positive feedback and understood the story. Netizens called the series a 'God Series'? Adam laughed: "Moses [Chan] and I really do have some crazy characters! (Did you complain on the bloody scenes?) I do admit it is a little terrifying. That one scene where the blood splatted on the pillar was pretty frightening, but we handled it well while shooting." Netizens praised Adam's good acting, but when asked if the scene where he puts on makeup while tearing up, demonstrated his acting skills? He laughed and said he was just into character and will have to continue working hard on his acting.

Adam predicted the Master of Play premiere would make the Heng Seng stocks drop 300 points, but there was only a 29 point drop in the stock market on Monday (5/21). Yesterday (5/22) the stocks went up by 116 points. He laughed and expressed he already said before he didn't believe in the 'Adams Effect'. The current stock market and and TV ratings are both just as important to him. He hopes investors can earn more and hopes more audience will support Master of Play.

Editor Chow Yuk Ming gave fans an analysis of his past productions on Weibo. War of Beauty borrows the competition in the palace to describe life; When Heaven Burns sighs on the heartless society in today's world; Master of Play describes sinking into bad habits. Tsui Wing, who played the psychotic murderer in the first episode, already took the lead despite his short 10 minutes appearance. Netizens complimented on his acting, his portrayal had enough 'crazy' elements and his dialogue was so fine. Maggie Siu's alarmed expression while on the hospital bed after learning that her arm was chopped off by Tsui Wing also got praises. Moses Chan's touching wedding proposal to Maggie was applauded by audience. Adam's scene, where he rehearses his lines in front of the mirror and tears filling up his eyes was greatly praised as well.

Netizens said Master of Play is much simpler than War of Beauty and When Heaven Burns. The suspenseful storyline, making audience want to watch more of it, is what makes it a winner. It was said the mood of the series is very violent, but the picture is not that bloody, which makes it a high level thriller. There are both praises and criticisms on the discussion forums. Some said they were bored for 15 minutes, and didn't understand the story.

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TVB's GM Cheng Sin Keung attended an awards ceremony yesterday and was asked about charging for the myTV service on TVB's official website ( Mr. Cheng expressed: "It's not charging. It is misleading to use 'myTV', we will just be launching a new service. Basically similar to the previous video renting era. Because we currently lack channels for audience to catch classic series, so this new method can be a convenience for audience to watch the series on their phones or computer in the form of P2P. We will just start by serving the Hong Kong audience first." Mr. Cheng reveals the earliest launch of this new method to watch series will be early next year (2013). He is not worried this may affect the current PayVision channel. TVB just hopes to offer more choices to audience. This is not because there is not enough profit earned from the local commercials, that the company has to seek a new source of revenue.

As for the government's issue of three free-to-air TV licenses, ATV has already declared for a judicial review. TVB Group GM (Lee Bo On) also expressed a few days ago at the Director's meeting his consideration to take legal action on behalf of the company. Mr. Cheng expressed: "We don't have a concrete plan. We are just reacting on the situation to the government and hope the government will cautiously make considerations on the license issue arrangements."

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Yesterday a magazine (Oriental Sunday) reported Michael Tse hooked up with 2009 Miss HK 'Miss Photogenic' Candy Yuen. Last year, Michael collaborated with Candy in Lives of Omission, where he successfully won her heart. A few days ago, they were having a meal together at the TVB canteen, and were flirting in public as if no one was around. At one point, Michael event touched Candy's chest, which was a shocker.

Yesterday Michael expressed over the phone: "No such thing. I won't be upset at the Magazine because it's not my first day in this industry. What's more important is if readers believe it. You have to understand that is the canteen at TVB, there are colleagues sitting nearby. Why would I do what the magazine said I did? In fact, that magazine should put more effort into writing their stories and shouldn't be too careless. If the location was a hotel, then the creditability would be much higher. Actually, it was not just the two of us either, there was another person with us."

Michael expressed he met Candy while shooting for Lives of Omission (TN: She played the role 'Ding Man', the triad leader's mistress). They soon realized they had common friends and naturally had more topics to talk about. When asked if this was upsetting to his wife, Tina? Michael laughed: "How so? She saw the report and laughed. She understands the tactics used by the magazines. We have seen a lot of the photos are taken from behind. I don't need to explain too much. I hope this magazine can have more sincerity next time, don't think readers are stupid."

As for Candy, she did not understand why there was such report and she does feel a tad unhappy. "That day, it's been long while since I've seen Michael, so I showed him the pictures I took when I went Korea for shooting of a travel special. We also weren't playing crazily at the canteen, so he didn't bump into my chest. Those [photos] were just a matter of camera angles. Michael was sitting across from me, and I was just taking my camera over to show him. If the report has cause any unhappiness for his wife, I have to say sorry to her."

Candy expressed she's often telling Michael on Weibo that she has no special intention, "He is just an artist that I like since childhood. Perhaps our personalities are similar and we are playful people, so we became good friends. The magazine interviewed me, and said I said Michael touched my entire body. I was just talking about our scenes in Lives of Omission." She expressed she will not maintain her distance in the future, but may find someone to be in between to avoid any misunderstandings. "I went to Australia at age 13, and came back to HK at age 19. My personality is a little westernized, sometimes I would unconsciously lean on people."

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Posted by Hex on Monday, May 21, 2012

At the TVB series House of Harmony and Vengeance promotional event yesterday, the ratings for last week were announced. Last week, the average was 30 points and peaked at 34 points. In episode 15, there was a bed scene with Linda Chung and Bobby Au-Yeung after being drugged. When the drugs kicked in, Linda started groaning: "So hot!" Then she said to Bobby while giving him a hug: "I want it!". Netizens turned this part of the scene into a spoof, a 10 second clip called "Brainwashed Linda Chung Groaning". Some Netizens said the clip insulted Linda! Yesterday at the promotion, everyone made Linda into a joke. Bobby claimed he taught Linda how to do the groaning. Linda laughed and said she learned a lot from him and praised how good of a teacher Bobby was. She said: "Thanks to Bobby's teachings, that time there were some areas I didn't know how to portray. I would have never thought there would be such a big reaction when it broadcasts. In fact, that day when we were filming, we were laughing so hard our stomachs were hurting. As for me, I have little experience in this area, Bobby is full of experiences, so I went to ask him for advice." She said she's not upset with Netizens' behavior, but she won't recommend audience focusing too much on this aspect.

As for exposing her 'career line' in the series, Linda frankly expressed in usual days she shows "a little", and she does not mind healthy sex appeal. When asked how her boyfriend sees it? Linda said: "Huh? If I had a boyfriend, he can have an opinion and if it's not too over, I should be happy."

It was reported Bobby's wife went to HK Sanatorium & Hospital to seek assistance from an infertility doctor? Bobby said: "I don't know whether or not she went to that hospital, but sometimes when I have the cold or flu, I would go too. Actually, I don't want children. If we wanted children, we would have had one earlier on, and won't have to wait until now. We have consensus already, it's better for us to play with other people's children." When speaking of a magazine reporting that Michael Tse had an affair behind his wife's back? Bobby laughed and said he doesn't have enough guts to do that: "Mrs. Tse is beautiful and powerful, I believe Michael won't make unnecessary sacrifices."

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Posted by Hex on

Adam Cheng's new TVB series Master of Play will premiere tonight (Monday). Fans are not only on a careful lookout for Adam's comeback, but investors are also on a close lookout for another 'Adams Effect' (aka Ting Hai Effect) to attack Hong Kong. Early May, when the series first started promoting, a drop had already been seen in HK's Heng Seng. On May 16th (Wednesday), Adam appeared for the series' first promotional event, and it was reported Heng Seng's stocks had a 634 point drop from 19,259 to 18,951 points.

Starting from 1992 when Adam's series The Greed of Man came out, the stock market had huge drops and since then whenever an Adam series released, the stocks would just keep dropping. The phenomenon became known as the 'Adams Effect', which had not stop for 20 years.

Tonight, TVB will be airing new series Master of Play starring Adam, Moses Chan, Maggie Siu and Aimee Chan, produced by Jonathan Chik and edited by Chow Yuk Ming. When Master of Play started promoting early May, Heng Seng bank already had huge drops in the stock market, which leaves it difficult for investors to not believe in the 'Adams Effect'. Yesterday at the promotional event, Adam said: "The stocks won't be going back up that fast, but actually should continue to drop. In fact, it shouldn't be the natioanl financial crisis, back then during the 'Adams Effect', there was war and foreign factors and that's why the stocks dropped so severely. In principle, it is buy low and sell high. My wife pays attention to the stocks too, I remember back during the financial crisis, she bought Standard Chartered bank and got a few meals." When asked if Adam personally believes the 'Adams Effect' will kick in again this time? Adam helplessly said: "The stocks are dropping like this, it's hard for people to not believe it, but I'm afraid to jinx it!" Although Adam is afraid to say something wrong, he still predicted that the Heng Seng stocks will drop 300 points!

Meanwhile, yesterday at the promotion couple Moses and Aimee Chan were showing off their love. Towards Adam's predictions that Heng Seng stocks will drop 300 points on today's Master of Play premiere? Moses said: "Even before the broadcast of this series, the stocks already dropped 2,000 points, but after the broadcast it will be different. I believe Adam's prediction is quite reliable. Initially I had no intention to buy stocks, but now I have this plan. However, we shouldn't say Adam is making the stocks drop!"

Aimee frankly expressed she doesn't know how to buy stocks, but she thinks Adam is amazing, so amazing that he can influence the stock market. So, she's planning to buy low and sell high as well. Whichever stock Adam buys, she'll follow.

Better to be on-screen Siblings

When speaking of Adam joking of how he was unaware that he became the couple's matchmaker while shooting Master of Play? Moses said: "We met because we were shooting this series, that is the truth. In the series, she plays my younger sister. Perhaps audience may get more into the story because no one wants to see us on screen as a couple. Just like Tom Cruise, couples should just develop behind the cameras. Personal matters should continue to happen in our personal lives."

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Posted by Hex on Sunday, May 20, 2012
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