Samantha Ko, wearing a recycled dress, attended a function with Carrie Lam yesterday. Usually she dresses very sexy, but yesterday, her chest was all covered up. She told reporter "It is better safe than sorry. The dress was a bit big, it has been altered already. (Have you lost weight?) About 10 pounds. I have been slimming for a few months. I need to keep fit in order to get job offers to do movie, TV and commercials." The reporter pointed out that a magazine reported she was seen delivering food to a hotel. Samantha replied "That was the plot in a movie. I didn't know they would make such report. They have twisted the fact." Samantha went on to say some reporters even went to her mother's stall to ask about that. She continued "I hope they leave my mother alone, she would get scared. (If you earn so much, she doesn't have to run the stall). My mother doesn't think there is any difference whether I am earning a lot or not. She is working for a living and so am I. I just want to earn a lot more so that I don't have to work."