The 'outdated' Bernice and Kevin Cheng attend a film premiere last night. Bernice revealed she had not kept in touch with Alastair for a period of time, but later she will be collaborating with him in a charity. Towards the rumors between ex-lover Alastair and Jacquelin? She said: "I don't read the news, but I don't get into his private life. (Jacqueline implied you two already broke up?) I don't know. (If they really are dating?) I will congratulate them."
As for the 'current' Jacquelin, she attended a watch event and expressed choosing a watch is like choosing a boyfriend, have to have both the outside (appearance) and inside (character). When asked if Alastair has the inside? She said: "Yeah, he's pretty OK on the outside too. (You can date him?) How can it be that easy? (What is missing?) The feeling, and many other factors. (Is he pursuing you?) That's hard to answer, you ask him."