Fiona Sit was asked when she was working on "The Human Comedy" who was her other leading role? She mistakenly said Jaycee Chan (房祖名) instead of Wong Cholam. Later she found out her mistake, she said "Sorry, it should be Cholam." Reporter asked if she misses Jaycee so much that she keeps thinking of his name? Fiona said "I am working with Jaycee in another movie and we are also doing the promotion. I got the two names "Jo" (祖) mixed up. That is my mistake." In "The Human Comedy", Fiona plays the role as Cholam's girl friend who has mental health problem. One minute she is laughing, but hits her boyfriend crazy the next minute. She was asked if she treats Jaycee the same? Fiona said "No." The reporter went on to ask who is more compatible for her to work with? Fiona said "Both are different, but they are both good working partners."