Kiki Sheung, Jade Kwan, Roy Chow, Ada Choi and Christine Kuo attended the "2010 Red, black Evangelism Emperor" at the Hong Kong Coliseum last night. Kiki is getting married in October, but she told the audience she nearly called off the wedding. A picture of Kiki's wedding picture was on display at the event. Kiki told the audience that she has lost 9 pound, she went on to say "Over a week ago, we haven't done our wedding photo, I had a big row with my husband. This was the biggest row we had since we met 5 years ago. I was crying and kept shouting 'I am not getting married'. I kept crying and kept praying until he said "sorry". (Why did you row with him?) It was a minor thing, the pot got moulded, but he has never raised his voice at me before." Kiki is 47 years old, she said if she was 5 years younger, she would consider having a baby. Kiki added "Although my husband loves children, if I, as an old age mother gets pregnant, I would be out of shape. We just have to let it be."