After the event, Ada and her husband Max Cheung indicated that listening to many older generation couples give their testimonies about the ups and downs in their many years of marriage was really inspiring. Ada said: “Many of the couples have been married for 20 or 30 years and Max and I have only been married for 2 years. Seeing how different each of the relationships are really helped us learn a lot. My husband is known as a ‘good husband’ and myself as a ‘good wife’, but sometimes when I get upset, I can be pretty bad.” When Max heard this, he immediately came to his wife’s defense by saying: “Who doesn’t get upset? The important thing is to be forgiving and understanding of each other.” Asked if Max used ‘spreading the Gospel’ to meet Ada years ago, he replied: “That was part of it, because I wanted an opportunity to speak with her more – it’s normal. However, the moment I accepted Christ wasn’t because of her.” When asked about Monica teasing Ada about being ‘shameless’, Max laughed in agreement and said: “I already knew a long time ago that she [Ada] is ‘shameless’! When I first met her, she had already asked me ‘Am I a pretty woman?’ Also, when we go shopping, she is always asking stores for discounts – one time, we were at a store buying something and the salesperson was about to ask her: ‘you look a lot like……’ – before the person finished, Ada said ‘Yes, I am that person – Ada Choi….so do I get a discount?’”
Steven Cheung working as a chef for income
5 years ago