Yesterday Ron Ng appeared with a wig for the shooting of the beer brand
BLUE ICE printed Ad. Since his last commercial appearance in 2005, where
he said 'Mai Fei Fat' (My Favorite), Ron was criticized to have poor
English and hasn't been seen on a HK commercial until today. Yesterday
he and a Western photographer were working together on the shoot and had
no problem communicating. He said: "I don't have a fear to speak
English, I can still communicate with Westerners. If anything gets too
difficult, I will go ask someone to help me. (Help wash away the 'Mai
Fei Fat'?) I didn't say it wrong, that time the Boss allowed the
commercial to go on air because he thought it was fine. (Rumored
girlfriend Viann Zhang helped you improve your Mandarin?) We communicate
using Mandarin, but I learned my Mandarin from my assistant. (When will
you announce Viann's identity?) Huh? Work comes first, when the time is
right, I will say it. (When you decide to get married?) Earn enough
money for marriage first. If can't wait, then I'll just go find someone
When speaking of TVB music producer Tang Chi Wai's
concert ticket sales aren't doing too well, Ron said: "I don't think so
right? There are so many singers in on it together. When Raymond [Lam]
has his concert, it gets extreme. I trust Tang Chi Wai has his abilities
and talents. (Singer Roy Chow said he won't go to the concert if the
tickets are free?) Each individual have their own choices, but my family
was fighting for the tickets, I purchased 10-20 tickets myself. (Treat
Viann Zhang to the concert?) Tell her to buy her own ticket!"