Mimi's husband, Power Chan gained popularity after his "Pang Sam Shun" role in The Confidant. IT turns out his contract is expiring end of this year, but no one has contacted him for a renewal yet. Power expressed if all goes smoothly, he will renew his TVB contract, but he doesn't want to place too much hope on it. He said: "I'm not discouraged, just thinking realistically. I'm not a newcomer who just debuted, perhaps I'll have to wait another 20 years and see if I can become like Wayne Lai or maybe see if I'll get another breakthrough role as big as Pang Sam Shun." Mimi teased her husband that he's already considered a veteran actor. Power claimed: "Veteran very soon!" Since Power became a father, he has turned into a talkative person and has wide smiles on his face. Mimi said she's not jealous of her daughter.
Steven Cheung working as a chef for income
5 years ago